Dragon Lord - Flight of Kings Cooldown Lockout


Well-known member
Using T5 Flight of Kings in the Dragon Lord tree puts Dire Charge on cooldown. Is this WAI or a bug?

It doesn't seem like a heroic ability should put an Epic strike on cooldown, especially one that requires a 31 enhancement point investment.


Well-known member
WAI, both are dash abilities. why do people keep using really bad epic strikes?
I raised this last week that lead the charge and flight of kings also do this....the thing is it's really inconsistent, they don't put each other on their own cooldowns.

flight of kings puts it AND lead the charge on a 15s cooldown

But Lead the charge puts itself on its correct 12s cooldown and Flight of Kings on a 4 second cooldown.

I'd believe it was WAI if it was consistent but it's not.


Well-known member
WAI, both are dash abilities. why do people keep using really bad epic strikes?
Why do people keep trying to tell other people how to enjoy this game?

Secondly, do you have a source where a dev said it's working as intended? There are multiple dash type abilities that do not put others on cooldowns.


Well-known member
Steel said it

Trying to find where
If you can find it and give a link, that'd be great.

If it's true, that's really a giant pile of "meh" in an otherwise well-done tree and doesn't make any sense to me. Dire Charge is an Epic ability. Flight is a Heroic T5 ability and requires a 31-point investment to get.

Heroic and Epic ability cooldowns shouldn't be linked in anyway, even moreso since Dire Charge and wings/step/flight have two very different uses. Dire Charge is an attack/crowd control ability. Flight is a wings/abundant step ability.

Flight doesn't do damage nor stun anything and Dire Charge makes a pretty poor substitute for wings/step/flight due to it's targetting and associated issues.

This would be like making a sorcerer's T5 Fireball SLA lock out the Dragon Breath epic strike...
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Well-known member
If you can find it and give a link, that'd be great.

If it's true, that's really a giant pile of "meh" in an otherwise well-done tree and doesn't make any sense to me. Flight is a 31-point investment to get and a Heroic T5 ability. Dire Charge is an Epic ability.

Heroic and Epic ability cooldowns shouldn't be linked in anyway, even moreso since Dire Charge and wings/step/flight have two very different uses. Dire Charge is an attack/crowd control ability. Flight is a wings/abundant step ability.

Flight doesn't do damage nor stun anything and Dire Charge makes a pretty poor substitute for wings/step/flight due to it's targetting and associated issues.

This would be like making a sorcerer's T5 Fireball SLA lock out the Dragon Breath epic strike...
Not sure how to link it but it was on the discord
In bug reports