GH Bugged?


Well-known member
Anyone else having issues getting into GH? It seems no matter what I do (re-log, re-boot, whatever) I can't get in. I submitted a ticket already, not whining about it or anything - just curious if this is just me or what.


Yesterday if I was standing to close to entrance I couldn’t get in. Try backing up a little. It happens with the guild ship also some times.


Well-known member
What do you mean getting into GH?

If you are in GH public area and try to enter the wilderness then it is possible to target the outside exit from the wilderness and if you click on that you end up in the public area after a loading screen. It has always been like that.

Make sure you have the entrance to wilderness targeted.
If you are trying to enter the wilderness zone, you may be interacting the entrance behind the one leading out into the wilderness, causing you to be transported back into the public zone.