Happy Gygax Day


Well-known member
I know the whole TSR thing is terribly politicized and I don't mean to start any issues over it. No matter what side of that debacle you are on however, we can all thank Gary for D&D. So... I think I'll visit the monument in the House J graveyard for a bit today.

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Founder & Super Hero
Who declared today to be "Gygax Day" and where (in what jurisdiction), specifically, is it celebrated?

It's not on any of my calendars.

This sounds made-up.


Well-known member
It's July 27th. I dunno who made it up. I like it though. I think I am going to start visiting the Gygax Memorial in House J on the 27th each year, if I can remember to keep doing it. Why shouldn't we have our own holiday, we have a large enough community for it.

There is also a 'Gygax Memorial Bench' dedication if you are in Lake Geneva, but I'm not...

I think it should be kind of a memorial day (part somber) and also a celebration at the same time. It seems fitting...