Harper Agent last empty tier 5 slot


Well-known member
From what I can tell the devs want to close the gaps of tier 5 enchantment trees in the long run.

The Harper Agent tree is one of them. Here is an Idea how I imagen it. Maybe you guys got other cool ideas.

Multiselector 1 point cost: Harper advanced Training
Hardened Body: +15% comepence bonus to hp. + 10% evil absorbtion.​
Hardened Mind: You have spell resistance equale to your Int mod. +20% evil absorbtion.​

Since this is some sort of hybrid tree, I think it's a good idea to put in some hp for the melees.
The hp% machtes the one of other spell heavy melee trees, like Eldritch Knight.
If the player doesn't need the hp or has other motivations there is a second choice.
The evil absorbtion is there because it fits the theme and is used to balace the two options a bit.
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