I created custom styles for the forums


Hello gamers !

As everyone knows, we got new forums and they look and feel amazing and modern to use compared to the old ones. However, there are some styling issues ; hover color or even background color being the close or even the same as the text color - looking at you, notifications center and profile preview.

Also, there are some very bright colors compared to the rest of the site that can hurt our tired eyes, like the footer logos bar.
This is why, after some people complained (notably my good friend GigaCasterFighterOfHell), I decided to create my own custom style using the Stylus browser extension to fix those issues (at least as a temporary solution).

For those interested, here's the link to download it (you'll need to download the Stylus extension for it to work) : dark-mode-style
As well as a version without the dnd picture background : background-less-dark-mode-style

I've taken this opportunity to add a few things as well such as icons before the actions and a max height to signature display (notice the scroll bar) :
icons added to actions in posts

max height on signature display

Keep in mind, it is still a work in progress and I haven't had time to go over all the pages yet. However, feel free to share any ideas you have and I'll consider adding them.

Have a great day.



  • Threads : Add an icon to threads marked as unread and lower the opacity of threads marked as read.​
Before / After

  • Threads : Fix the pagination background color on threads pages (seen above) to make them readable
  • Footer : Fix the legal links display on smaller displays

Things I notice have been fixed by SSG and no longer need customization and thus are removed from my custom style
  • Mobile version : The correct logo was added.




  • Navbar : Add an icon to links redirecting to an page external to the forums. Update the text to be less confusing.


Bug (out of my control)
  • Mobile AND Desktop version : The "Staff Tracker" page doesn't properly highlight itself in the navbar if you are on this page.