I would pay to have a permanent test dojo

maybe a server where we can test out our builds, we can only level and test for damage output (limited quests available and account restricted ( ViP, F2P, Premium))


Well-known member
It would be also good if the Test Dummies in the Cargo were upgraded and players could set it to different HP values. 10k/ 100k/ 1Mill.
Also different DRs, immunities could be set on those.
Or HP and different lvl of enemies like common mob/orange name/redname/purple name
Unless something changed since I last tried it, you can't throw spells at a test dummy.
So frustrating when try stuff out. I don't know if this new armor helps my damage until I wear it in an instance.


Melee Artificer Freak
Unless something changed since I last tried it, you can't throw spells at a test dummy.
So frustrating when try stuff out. I don't know if this new armor helps my damage until I wear it in an instance.
SSG should add a battle room for the Airships (150+ guild level) where every player could test any gear and spell.


Well-known member
Make it a solo quest. A standalone purchase. Give us rooms with different test dummies. A version with a toggle for 2 minutes or 5 minutes duration after which the dummy will reset and display its hitpoint bar to see our damage, and a version with a toggle for 200, 300, 400 Armor Class.


Founder & Super Hero
A permanent Test Dojo would be nice, but there is always the worry that test items from some of the vendors that are normally in the Dojo might make it out into the game world. I can see why the Devs would be hesitant to implement one on the Live servers.

The safest thing to do would be to leave a "generic" Lamannia up and update it for preview purposes only when there's a new preview. Once the preview is done, re-image the Lamannia server back to a "generic" configuration with the Test Dojo.


Well-known member
Make it a solo quest. A standalone purchase. Give us rooms with different test dummies. A version with a toggle for 2 minutes or 5 minutes duration after which the dummy will reset and display its hitpoint bar to see our damage, and a version with a toggle for 200, 300, 400 Armor Class.
Fantastic idea


Well-known member
It would be wonderful to have a test server all the time. SSG is probably worried about people just playing there permanently as their main server to get everything for free so it would need limitations. So probably would need to be test dojo only and that's fine, so no quests available except during content preview testing windows. Or maybe just a few old free quests in addition to the test kobolds permanently...just for testing purposes.
Dont really see the downside of doing this, it could be a very attractive VIP perk. It basically already exists so you'd think the work to implement it would be minimal. I'd love to be able to try builds regularly without having to invest dozens of hours just leveling them.

I'd also add that as a content creator this would be in invaluable tool. There are many things I don't cover much (like new enhancement trees, races, classes) mostly because it's way too time prohibitive to level an entire character just to cover it in a video. But if a permanent Lam existed I could test and cover everything much easier.
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Kobolds don't matter. *Except in Crystal Cove.
It would be also good if the Test Dummies in the Cargo were upgraded and players could set it to different HP values. 10k/ 100k/ 1Mill.
Also different DRs, immunities could be set on those.
Or HP and different lvl of enemies like common mob/orange name/redname/purple name
Would also be great if you could test spells on them also. Not sure how powerful your fireball is, test dummy here I come.


Since 2010
Would be a great VIP perk!
Maybe with limited quests to test the builds, there are so many things I'd like to try...


Well-known member
Make it a solo quest. A standalone purchase. Give us rooms with different test dummies. A version with a toggle for 2 minutes or 5 minutes duration after which the dummy will reset and display its hitpoint bar to see our damage, and a version with a toggle for 200, 300, 400 Armor Class.

Split the difference.

Keep Lama open full-time as a sandbox server, because I think that's something everyone should have access to, and its kind of a win-win for both the devs and players. Players get a way to test things out before committing to anything with their Live characters. Devs get a lot more feedback, not just on new releases but also on existing gameplay, that helps them troubleshoot problems and identify ways to spend their dev time effectively, instead of having to do it all themselves on their internal servers.

Then add a new quest in House D, available only to VIP, that contains a sandbox dojo for testing your actual Live character on Live

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
1,000,000% should be a VIP perk. Excellent idea!

My cynical side tells me they won't do this though because it may cut back on the heart sales in the store.
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