Iconic Past Life(lives) importance.


Well-known member
if you are a single target melee, then the extra doublestrike from Scourge is extremely valuable...often that 6% makes the difference of making it to 100%/cap doublestrike...well that and filigrees + gear

for endgame for my playstyle, it's hands-down the best...but it's kinda silly on a caster and probably somewhat inconsequential for leveling ;)


Well-known member
I want to report my experience with tr frustration. I stumbled onto a few builds that were crushing epic leveling, I was grinding/running through sharn/isle at r1-3 by level 24-26. My sense of scale and expectation for build power was ruined. I hate leveling and grinding slowly now. Completely ruined me for working on alts. I strongly recommend you research your low life builds when grinding is involved. The time suck is exponential on weak builds.


Well-known member
INQ & Q-Staff/Rogue can be used for "carry" builds that can blitz/solo R4 the entire way if you don't want to make new builds for every slightly different life. It makes investing in decent gear really pay off, but it can get a little stale playing the same build all the time.

I don't know of a caster'ish carry build; casters tend to scale on levels in class, which makes them hard to hybridize into a carry-build.