Inherited guild (Steel Talons - L60) looking for people


Paladin. Disruptor. Since the 1970s
Hello all,

Apparently everyone in the Guild just stopped playing a few years back, but there's 867 Astral Shards in its bank so I'ma keep it. If you're running around, getting heroic deeds and thinking they're a waste, We're YOUR GUILD!
It's a shabby boat but decent buffs.

Anyway, I don't play enough on this server to join another guild (I've been booted from several for inactivity..) so if you want to join and maybe get this guild a decent barge, send a mail to Eareil for an invite.

There's no mandatory runs or logins or anything - I'd call it "Your Part Time Guild," if I could change the name ... :alien:

ps: the oldest login was 9 years ago, so...
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Well-known member
Awesome Dur! Please check out the Ghallanda Guild Directory and we'll list you there with details. The directory will typically get many more views than any guild's recruitment thread. And, it will send there if you like so that they can see what you have to offer!

We are also bolstering the Ghallanda Fellowship alliance this year to include new guilds - so if ya'll want to raid with us, you and your guildies can always find willing and able drama free adventurers from multiple guilds to join forces with for raids or whatever day & night.
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