Looking for something similar.


Well-known member
I have a low level Swashy Bard, and I am looking for an outfit/armor that looks similar to the level 15 Iconic Tiefling Scoundrel outfit. Is there ANYTHING that is even remotely close?


Well-known member
Well that sort of depends... is your character male or female? If male there is a fairly decent cosmetic in the store called Swashbuckling Outfit which looks well enough like a swashbuckler on males but looks like whomever designed it for females was unfamiliar with female attire.

Alternately, if you own Saltmarsh there's an okay light armor you could Mirror, its not quite in the same style as the Scoundrel's Outfit, lacks the flare but its an okay swash/pirate style.

I would love for them to make something similar to the Iconic Tiefling cosmetic more widely available to other races.


Well-known member
Well that sort of depends... is your character male or female? If male there is a fairly decent cosmetic in the store called Swashbuckling Outfit which looks well enough like a swashbuckler on males but looks like whomever designed it for females was unfamiliar with female attire.

Alternately, if you own Saltmarsh there's an okay light armor you could Mirror, its not quite in the same style as the Scoundrel's Outfit, lacks the flare but its an okay swash/pirate style.

I would love for them to make something similar to the Iconic Tiefling cosmetic more widely available to other races.
My toon is male. I will have to look into the outfits you suggested. Thanks!

Mand O'Lin

Singer of Songs Drinker of Drinks
I have a low level Swashy Bard, and I am looking for an outfit/armor that looks similar to the level 15 Iconic Tiefling Scoundrel outfit. Is there ANYTHING that is even remotely close?
While I was not looking to re-create the Tiefling Scoundrel look, this is the best outfit I was able to come up with for my bard:
Swashbuckling Outfit
Lucky Green Hat
Green Cosmetic Cloak


Well-known member
Well there is this from my Fashion Favorites Thread:


Aertimys : Swashbuckler

Image 1

  • Head : Captain's Chapeau (Violet)
  • Armor : Mist Laden Vestment
  • Cloak : Smuggler's Cloak
  • Main Hand : Duelist's Epee
  • Offhand : Kobold Admiral's Tiller
  • Pictured with Scarlet Macaw

But this is a female character and I think the Mist Laden Vestment looks better on female versus male characters.