May I make a suggestion concerning the event?


Well-known member
If you're going to have an event based on all players going into reapers to unlock it
you might consider relaxing the requirements to open dungeons on reapers.
I am a VIP myself but this event is totally pointless to a free-to-play player.
They would need to already be on their 3rd life to even open a reaper level.
but hey, you do you SS.


Well-known member
This was not based on "all players have to do this". It's going along well, the first dungeon is already unlocked on all servers but Wayfinder I believe, and this was when I checked this morning at 9am eastern, the week long event to open 4 dungeons was 25% completed and it hadn't even been open a full 24 hours yet.

Secondly, it's just a fun way to introduce a new pack. No one is getting anything for it. There are no special drops, no cool gear or advantages, it's just a break the monotony we're doing something different that people who don't want to do it/don't feel up to doing a reaper event lose nothing by not doing it. And they do cater to those people. Mimics, night revels, pirates, xmas themed events, open to everyone regardless of difficulty or skill levels of the player or the pay zone. It's okay that the players who keep the lights on get the occasional bone also.

Maybe we should open up threads identifying our servers and active play times and toon levels to those who can't open the quests or aren't comfortable doing reapers wtihout vet help instead. I'm on Sarlona, I'm generally active with my husband between 6 and 11p eastern, or alone 9a to noon. We have a variety of toons available in epics as a team, and I have a variety of heroics (My husband has less time to play, so has less heroic toons). I can be hit up here on the forums, or in game on the Sarlona user channel Help. It's an open channel, everyone is welcome, no password needed. Just yell for turtle and if I'm on I'll answer. :)