Mob behavior changes I'm not thrilled with


Well-known member
I don't know if it is the same issue, but I just ran Impossible Demands. Beat the priestess down till she killed the dragon knight. Immediately went to the door and up the steps. Dismissed the first fire trap. Went to dismiss the second fire trap and there she was running down the hall to attack me. She had run around and up the other stairs that fast and looked like she was moving at 1000 mph (1609 kph).


Well-known member
The one that has been getting me is the bit where ranged mobs will supposedly no longer change position constantly when you try to melee them. To me this actually seems to have gotten noticeably WORSE since the update. Used to be that they would run a short distance, stop and fire, run a short distance, stop and fire, et cetera. Now I have been in many fights where they just don't seem to stop moving at all. It is the difference between being able to melee them down during the intervals where they are stopped, and having to continually chase a spinning top to try to get in an occasional melee hit on the run.
I have been chasing constantly-moving arcane reconstructors in Sharn chain ever since this update. It sometimes take them 5-10 secs to stop moving. And they are not running in a straight line but rather chaotically circling around me. Its True that once they stop, they will not start to move for the second time (mostly because I kill them) but it is annoying.


Well-known member
I don't know if it is the same issue, but I just ran Impossible Demands. Beat the priestess down till she killed the dragon knight. Immediately went to the door and up the steps. Dismissed the first fire trap. Went to dismiss the second fire trap and there she was running down the hall to attack me. She had run around and up the other stairs that fast and looked like she was moving at 1000 mph (1609 kph).
I noticed the same thing the other day, I was quite surprised by how fast she got to that room. I just put on FoM and ignored the two traps, cleared the little room with two spells and there she was in the door entry. I cannot recall that she's ever been so quick before.


Well-known member
Let not forget the Burrow skill some have, running at break neck speed, circling you, and burrowing at the same time. That skill needs a cool down.💩


Well-known member
No wonder I’ve been getting so many compliments and thanks with my Mass Holds and Greater Color Spray lately LOL.


Lost in Translation
Honestly , I appreciate that the mobs are moving less stupidly.
I do not understand why some are complaining , it's way much more realistic, challenging and funny to play.

With stealth, the behavior have change also , the noise may pull an entire group of mobs instead of one or two only. So I have to wait that they're going back , if they do, so I can pull the trailing ones.


Well-known member
I ran Spawn of Whisperdoom in Tangleroot earlier this life. Killed the eggs and hit rally cry and ran back to the shrine. I was wearing 30% striding. Whisperdoom stayed with me the entire way.


The one that has been getting me is the bit where ranged mobs will supposedly no longer change position constantly when you try to melee them. To me this actually seems to have gotten noticeably WORSE since the update. Used to be that they would run a short distance, stop and fire, run a short distance, stop and fire, et cetera. Now I have been in many fights where they just don't seem to stop moving at all. It is the difference between being able to melee them down during the intervals where they are stopped, and having to continually chase a spinning top to try to get in an occasional melee hit on the run.
Yeees. I agree that the archer moving has gotten noticeably worse when you melee them. But I think it's just a matter of time, and soon you'll get used to it and play as usual. You're adapting


Well-known member
I ran Spawn of Whisperdoom in Tangleroot earlier this life. Killed the eggs and hit rally cry and ran back to the shrine. I was wearing 30% striding. Whisperdoom stayed with me the entire way.

Yeah I had this happen too. Normally you can get the eggs, run out to the corner, recall. She chased me all the way to the shrine. Closed the door and rc'd!


Well-known member
Noticed another fun one in the first rage quest. Aggroing mob downstairs, all the mobs up the ramp came running. And had an archer running light speed circles around and around where the bar was. Good times.


Well-known member
Just throwing my two cents in - monsters since U60 definitely run around MORE than before and as others have said, while playing melee, it is very annoying. It's like playing tag on the playground with weapons and/or claws (if you're playing a druid).

Yeah, reapers have suddenly gone from spoopy hooded skellos that make vacuum cleaner/airplane noises to confused skellos.
Felt to me like they run around less but they reliably run around on aggro which was stated as intentional, that ranged mobs would try to move on aggro to get further away and then move less after that. Seems accurate to me but man does it make opening an encounter with an aoe spell pure hell.


Well-known member
I posted about this being and issue in the "Update 60.0.1 Release Notes" post.

Is anyone else having issue with ranged monsters running away more with U60?
I thought this update was to limit this behavior. I as running ToEE last night and had to constantly chase casters and rangers through multiple rooms, aggroing everything along the way. This caused several dungeon alerts since there are packs of monsters.

Seems this is causing more dungeon alert situation, which per the dev's causes a huge spike in CPU load (ie: lag).
Playing melee is more of a pain than usual now. I have to run pass the target and herd then back towards the group or at least prevent then from running into unexplored areas. and agro'ing another group.

Who play tested this "fix"? Oh wait that is the players job.
At this point I say comment out the code for this new behavior and put it back the way it was until the fix and be fixed properly.


Well-known member
I posted about this being and issue in the "Update 60.0.1 Release Notes" post.

Seems this is causing more dungeon alert situation, which per the dev's causes a huge spike in CPU load (ie: lag).
Playing melee is more of a pain than usual now. I have to run pass the target and herd then back towards the group or at least prevent then from running into unexplored areas. and agro'ing another group.

Who play tested this "fix"? Oh wait that is the players job.
At this point I say comment out the code for this new behavior and put it back the way it was until the fix and be fixed properly.

I think since mobs are now aggroing from much further away, this is definitely causing more DA. You run quests enough you get used to each quests rhythm of, ok there are a pack of 6 here, kill, pack of 6 more here........but now some quests you aggro that 6, and the other 6 come running from afar when they didn't before. I mentioned first rage quest and ADQ as some examples, but those are 2 off the top of my head. There are more I'll try to pay attention to and post.

Sacred helm comes to mind, where all mobs after the locked door had aggro'd early and were waiting at the door when you opened it at the beginning.


Well-known member
No, I'm not asking for reversion to the old mob behavior pre red alert changes, but some things do annoy and require changes in tactics.

  • Spiders in Arachnophobia no longer chase me so I can line them up and shoot them in the main hall. Pre U60, pull the switch, run, and range.
  • The hobgoblins in Yarkuch's War-Plans with the final order no longer run down through the traps, and if one does the traps do not fire. Ranging the casters from below used to pull them. I'm assuming I won't be able to pull Yarkuch and his entourage down to the traps by the shrine in Yarkuch's Last Stand.
I didn't notice a problem in Home Sweet Sewer but I was on a slower toon and didn't do my usual one lap to grab all the dogs and run to the door.

Mostly just grumbling. Grumble mumble grumble.
I agree with others that the mob movement changes in U60 are erratic and possibly problematic, but I am not certain that "mobs don't line up for slaughter" and "mobs don't kill themselves in traps" are things I can justifiably complain about.