Orien static group looking for a 6th member


As the title states, we have a group of 5 on Orien looking for a 6th member to join us when we start our next life. Date to be determined. We're all at cap right now farming gear for next life. Could join us now if you have a toon in range.

This life we all decided to run Warlock variants. Next life we're looking to do a more "complete" group. Currently composed of 1 healer, 2 barb and 2 undecided as of this posting. Planning on starting at 15 to get into epics faster then doing raids at cap.

We meet at 8AM CDT/1PM GMT

We do use discord to communicate in and out of game.

Also, our videos are put up on YT. Check them out to get an idea of what we're like to run with. https://www.youtube.com/@DirtyWilliam

If you're interested, please comment here or reach out on Discord - TRJ0408


Still looking for our 6th member. Undecided on when we're going to start our next life. Forgot to add in the OP that we play on Sunday's only.
If you may be interested, please reach out!
Wondering if you found your 6th? I'm on any toon under the guilds "The Devil's Playground" or "Acolytes of the Apocalypse" (or i can create a toon for your guild)


Tenatively we have. We did have someone join up with us last Sunday. I will keep an eye out for you though if things change.


Our newest member had to drop out, so we're in search of another!
We're all at level 32 running raids while we decide what to do next life.
If you're interested, let me know! Discord is required to be in the group.