Problems with U66 Bowadin


Well-known member
I decided to run a Bowadin (DEX build, KOTC + HW) life after the patch to see how well it worked leveling with the new AOE shots

General conclusion: it doesnt really

There were two big problems I is targeting. Using bows now requires quick and precise targeting. You want to choose your AOE shot target to get as many other mobs as possible. You want to choose your single target shots carefully to hit priority targets and avoid overkill. However, the game simply doesnt support that kind of precision targeting. Tab targeting is clunky and inaccurate, and often impossible to quickly tab to the target you want, as everything is moving around. Mouse targeting is impractical when you're often needing to continously move, and soft targeting doesnt let you aim for mobs behind the front row. The tools simply arent there to target mobs as quickly and precisely as you'd need to optimize your special attacks. As a result, you get a lot of off-center AOE shots, you get special attacks wasted, or you lose valuable combat rounds trying to tab back to get the Reaper to Manyshot.

The second big problem is the shot delay with bows. There's about a 0.5 sec delay between pushing a button and the attack actually landing. Often, that's just enough for mobs to circle around or jump past you after you've pushed the button, and the shot completely whiffs. Its particularly noticeable since the AOE shots favor staying in one place and letting mobs surround you...but then they can also quickly circle out of your hitbox. It also makes it very unresponsive trying to anticipate what you're going to do next combat round, since you need to wait to see if your previous shot killed your target or what.

I think there needs to be a thorough overhaul of the targeting system to make it a little more intuitive, not just for bow users but for everyone. The cycle list should be snapshotted when you first hit tab, so you can go down and up it looking for a certain target, and mobs cant shuffle it under you by moving around (the snapshot would clear after 1 second of not cycling targets, or something). Target Next Reaper/Champ/Boss would be a useful function too. And the angle that's included in target cycling should match the hit arc of your weapon, so you wont ever target mobs that you cant hit.

I think the attack animation for bows needs to change too so your hit happens earlier, with less delay. This will make bow combat feel far more responsive.


Well-known member
I think the attack animation for bows needs to change too so your hit happens earlier, with less delay. This will make bow combat feel far more responsive.
I don't think the animation is the problem.

It's not just archers that suffer from it. All ranged attack styles (throwers, inquisitives, repeaters, and archers) suffer from a .5-1s persistent lag between when they attack and when the hit registers.

It appears to be something severely broken/wrong with the attack queueing system and ranged attacks in general. It's annoying as hell and it's been that way for a long time. Started happening when they mucked around with Inqusitives and the queueing system.


Why do I have 411 .ddocp files
I don't think the animation is the problem.

It's not just archers that suffer from it. All ranged attack styles (throwers, inquisitives, repeaters, and archers) suffer from a .5-1s persistent lag between when they attack and when the hit registers.

It appears to be something severely broken/wrong with the attack queueing system and ranged attacks in general. It's annoying as hell and it's been that way for a long time. Started happening when they mucked around with Inqusitives and the queueing system.
I'm leveling a thrower, started as an AA for levels 1-9 or so and then thrower from 10-20. The KotC AoE attacks seem to work pretty well with no delay, and I can even sorta animation-cancel them to get an attack out faster by mashing it right after throwing a shuriken.

Leveling with a bow, if I'd been shooting for a few seconds it started to seem to desync a bit, so attacks would land as you say like 0.5s after being fired; usually if I stopped firing for a little bit it would reset, but definitely didn't feel as good.

Either way, AA Inferno shot & KotC AoE attacks both felt great to me, a huge upgrade from the update. It did change my playstyle a lot though, like I'm generally diving into the middle of a pack of mobs or jumping over them to try to get them packed tightly for my AoE, instead of just kiting forever. It's a lot more interesting/fun to me, and a lot better for my duo buddy who is running a melee life lol. Also I mash tab a lot to get my desired target for AoE attacks.

I think they should be 10-20% larger, it would remove a ton of the struggle of making sure the enemies are all clumped before you use your AoE, but they're still pretty good.


Well-known member
I just got off a single target DEX 14 Paladin, 4 DH, 2 Monk. I wanted to lean into life without HE+Sniper Shot so I shaved off two levels of Ranger/DH. Monk fire stance for the expanded crit profile and 2 levels for evasion. One of the higher tier KotC enhancements provides Shot on the Run and 14 pally got me 10 more doubleshot from Zeal (Holy Sword does not stack with Monk fire stance). I went Shiradi for epic mantle and HE, Fatesinger for the epic strike and for stats and the shout healing, and Macrotecnic for the +6 doubleshot, +3 imbue dice and no fail reflex on natural one to back up the uber paladin reflex saves. Managed to pull together 22 imbue dice unbuffed. Horizon Walker, no AA stuff.

I was very worried about ranged whiffing with the loss of HE. For me it ended up working out ok. Seems like I was clearing trash as well as ever or better but a tad less boss dps due to the U66 changes. I did not experience much whiffing as I expected, perhaps I'm in a stable pocket of internet being in Sacramento.
  • Not messing with AOE, the precise targeting was not as much of an issue.
  • I find autotargeting and soft targeting in the general direction of mobs is my best bet if I'm having issues with shots landing, especially if there is a lot of relative strafing by the mobs from my perspective. Autotargeting seems to find the mobs it prefers in that situation.
  • Still find Many Shot to land faster and more reliably than other shots but overall was landing pretty well with other shots too.
  • I bias which mobs get targeted by my direction. If I want to take out the dangerous stuff running at me in the front, I point my aim down. If there is a fear reaper or something behind some mobs, I point my aim up. Also bias left or right to get a better chance at a specific mob at an edge.
  • I had unsubbed over the changes and resubbed again because my criteria was whether or not they broke bow for me and it turned out ok for me.
  • I still think they should not have changed how HE works because it would hold the boost state for 12 seconds, giving you second chances. The loss of HE in the context of the on again off again finnickiness of ranged shots had me almost losing hope for bows. I think the performance of bows and ranged shots in general depends quite a bit on your internet pocket. They should build for the worst scenario, like people in New Zealand, not the best case scenarios of people in urban pockets with strong internet connections.
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Well-known member
I haven't tried any of the new ranged aoe stuff, but can you manually target them like a fireball? Though I hear their actual area is pretty small...


Well-known member
I haven't tried any of the new ranged aoe stuff, but can you manually target them like a fireball? Though I hear their actual area is pretty small...

No, it'd be awesome if you could target them to the ground like AOE spells, but they'll whiff if you do. You need a hard or soft mob targeted to center the AOE


Well-known member
is small but lately started to work a lot better, probably a shadow fix behind the curtain.
I suspect that.

When I first tried aoe arrows hitting more than 2 mobs was in lol nope category.

Now I can reliably hit entire group.

On the other hand aoe attacks NEED "you're not facing your target" check because if you're trying to hit mob that's moving toward you you have high chance you're just wasting your attack