Revitalize The Economy


Well-known member
Sometimes good intensions have bad consequences.
Having crafters grind up loot for crafting materials AND also paying them coin on top of that
made crafting the go to way to get rid of loot and helped starve off gear from the AH.
Placing certain pawn brokers deep with in outlining house areas made visiting so inconvenient to get to
that they generally have nothing to sell.
These 2 well intentioned error can be easily fixed and help return goods to the market place.
#1 Grinding up goods for crafting essences no longer pay coin. Instead, they give out 50% more essences.
This will remove the incentive to just crafter grind up everything for cash and reduce the amount of loot necessary to craft in general.
#2 Place 2 'purchasing agents' from the armor pawn brokers and the weapon pawn brokers in the market area
with the rest of the regular pawn brokers. They only buy armor and weapons "at the improved rate". Those weapons
and armor are then automatically transferred to the brokers located in house shops (outside of market). This will make
sure those Vendors actually have something to sell.

This is not a total fix but would move things in the right direction.
Upvote 1

DDO Gaming

Well-known member
Sometimes good intensions have bad consequences.
Having crafters grind up loot for crafting materials AND also paying them coin on top of that
made crafting the go to way to get rid of loot and helped starve off gear from the AH.
I have placed what I thought was great gear on AH only to dissolve it into essences because nobody wanted it. Quality is in the eye of the beholder and the marketplace is ALWAYS customer-focused.


Well-known member
As @DDO Gaming stated, virtually no one buys gear placed on the AH. I am not talking junk. Gear with extra stats and multiple augment slots. I don't normally put this gear on the plat AH because I do not need any more plat. I am always running into the plat limit and running out of alts to off load it. I usually just crush it for essences because I can at least use them for something.

The only way I see thing ever changing os of plat can be used to other things player want other than potion, scrolls, wand, etc.
Two easy ways to do this would be to add add augment and collectable vendors that take plat.

Think about it, we trade collectables to vendors for something, in turn those vendors need to sell those collectable, at a markup of course, to others that want/need them. This is economics 101. The cycle of trade, sell, repeat ensures that both items and plat retains there value.

Every once in awhile I will put something nice in the plat AH for dirt cheap in an attempt to give new players something good without draining their plat account. Many, many moons ago I remember being a newb fresh off the boat from Korthos with very little plat in the coin purse. I went to the AH and found some much better gear that was insanely cheap. I remember feeling as though I won the lottery. I guess in a way I am just paying that forward. Bind on equip gear is great for this. It may be rather worthless to those of use that have been playing for a time but someone new would be very happy to get it.

The Narc2

Nobody cares for platinum it is an easy resource to get so wasting playtime posting at the auction house isnt worth the effort.

As for cannith crafting not giving plat same thing most players dont care,.

The only players that this would impact at all is new players to the game and they are ao far behind why would you want to make their climb any worse, these suggested chamges would only hurt player retention.

I understand as the OP what your desires are suggesting this changes but they will not have that effect.

Its no different than at the opposite spectrum trying to make the game harder for the more elite players in a wiser general spectrum, all this really does is handicap the mediocre players and below.

I have spoken to a player that went by the tagline DOC many moons ago in the permadeath guild in, laughing at him when he said they should make the guild rules harder so people dont run as fast, i simply said it wont slow me down but i will gladly laugh at the impact it will have on others that cant move fast in the first place.

My point fungus trying to limit something to force players into a certain box will just insult players and make them want to contribute less to that which has suggested such changes.

Jack Jarvis Esquire

Well-known member
Won't work I'm afraid OP, though I get you're coming from a good place in terms of trying to fix something completely borked. 👏👏👏

I don't even register the plat from dissolving gear as it's so easy to come by anyway. Only stuff I auction is on the ASE these days.

I spent 2mil plat on some double slotted goggles and made it back in under a week selling in the airship store from wilderness chests at cap.

The plat economy is broken as supply is so huge, and the ASE has devalued plat value even further.

DDO Gaming

Well-known member
made crafting the go to way to get rid of loot and helped starve off gear from the AH.
Won't work I'm afraid OP, though I get you're coming from a good place in terms of trying to fix something completely borked. 👏👏👏
There is plenty of gear on both plat AH and shard AH (and I have purchased stuff from both orien and argonessen). Hence quality is in the eye of the beholder and i have dissolved what I imagined was high quality gear because nobody wanted it.

if you want specific 2/3 feature equipment then buy some crafting XP and boosters and start crafting shards etc


Well-known member
I do not think that many players do it for platinum, except new ones, so thats good for them.
+50% more essences may even favor it.
I craft a lot and personally do not care, because I do not want to waste my time on path to crafting hall after every few quests, so I just sell everything to nearest vendor and I see others doing the same.
AH on Ghallanda already has 40-80 pages of items and you can find some good ones if you notice them quicker than others.
More problem is 4,3 mln platinum limit that prevents people from posting more things.

Pawn brokers should have latest 100 items instead of reset when no one is in instance.
AH is more comfortable to use.
Personally, I also do not care and sell between quests to nearest vendor on my path.


Well-known member
The game needs more platinum sinks. That has been a known fact for a long time.

For starters we need a rich showoff set. 4,4m each for a helm cloak and armor. They have to be made of platinum obviously.

We need some more platinumsinks that are once a life costs like those reaper eyes right now.

But mostly we need some nice QoL stuff that keeps chomping away at some plat for the convenience.
This is a tough sell because it directly competes with the DDOstore. They rather sell nice stuff for $ than for plat.


Well-known member
Currently the items purchased with plat is far less than the rate at with plat can be earned.
The price of items can not be increases as this would make it hard for new players to buy them.

Without turning this into an economics lesson.
Outside of guild ship related items that are no large purchases available with plat.
In order to give plat value there needs to be goods and/or services available that players want to spend or need to spend plat on.
This will create the incentive to put things on the AH or list in the brokers as the return on items should be higher than what a vendor would give you.

At the start it will be one sided as players that have been around for a few lives have lots of plat. They will drop huge amount all at once but they will not be able to sustain that level of spending. The plat earned will not not keep pace with what they want to spend. This is the turning point needed.

This can be done without messing with any current systems in the game. For example, there are vendors that sell augments for collectables, those vendors should also sell those collectables for plat, I mean they have to off load them some how. This would allow players that need the collectables for say crafting to buy them but in order to do that that need to auction off extra gear to get the plat.

I think by now everyone can see how the cycle works.


Well-known member
No one wants plat, and no one wants ran-gen gear, so that's why there's no "economy" there

You'll see a player-to-player economy at endgame (where you'd expect it) for things like dino bone mats and cards and filigrees...though they're always ephemeral at best, once the market gets saturated and demand dwindles.

That being said, they can absolutely improve the value of plat, so that it can be a medium of trade again, because right now anything with any value is traded for AS. But that's going to involve adding new ways to SPEND plat, not better ways to MAKE plat


Well-known member
Actually, not "no one", but all new players want platinum and random gear until get everything, so they create economy on platinum auction house.
Not "anything with any value is traded for AS", because I see same stuff also for platinum, just in less amount and you must be quicker with buyout than others (maybe thats a reason why you may not notice it often enough).


Well-known member
Actually, not "no one", but all new players want platinum and random gear until get everything, so they create economy on platinum auction house.
Not "anything with any value is traded for AS", because I see same stuff also for platinum, just in less amount and you must be quicker with buyout than others (maybe thats a reason why you may not notice it often enough).

None of that is going to be at a trading volume of economic significance, though, is my point. All those players are just transitory on their way to the endgame economy.


Well-known member
Sometimes good intensions have bad consequences.
Having crafters grind up loot for crafting materials AND also paying them coin on top of that
made crafting the go to way to get rid of loot and helped starve off gear from the AH.
Placing certain pawn brokers deep with in outlining house areas made visiting so inconvenient to get to
that they generally have nothing to sell.
These 2 well intentioned error can be easily fixed and help return goods to the market place.
#1 Grinding up goods for crafting essences no longer pay coin. Instead, they give out 50% more essences.
This will remove the incentive to just crafter grind up everything for cash and reduce the amount of loot necessary to craft in general.
#2 Place 2 'purchasing agents' from the armor pawn brokers and the weapon pawn brokers in the market area
with the rest of the regular pawn brokers. They only buy armor and weapons "at the improved rate". Those weapons
and armor are then automatically transferred to the brokers located in house shops (outside of market). This will make
sure those Vendors actually have something to sell.

This is not a total fix but would move things in the right direction.
Sorry no, pass.

Sophie The Cat Burglar

Exotic Items Recovery Specialist
The much bigger issue is lack of low time investment players. They are the ones who purchase equipment off the auction house.

The armor and weapon pawns should definitely have copies in the market place. I am surprised anyone would disagree with that one.

If platinum payouts for equipment crunching were all set to zero, I would not care even a teeny tiny little bit.

If I were a developer looking for a way to make Sophie the Cat Burglar spend all her money, I would create 3 neat mounts and 3 neat outfits, then put them on a trader for 4 million platinum each. I would leave that trader in the game for exactly one month, after which he would disappear forever. Sophie the Cat Burglar would regenerate her fabulous wealth fairly quickly, but it would definitely put a temporary dip in her financial report.


Well-known member
Ways to store outfits is its own topic. And is very much needed.

For starters as a money sink they can start selling better potions and Wands. These are all still scaled to when the cap was like lvl10.

It's not hard to make a new vendor NPC that sells protection from evil potions that last 10 minutes.
Jump+20, cure critical wounds and stuff like that.
Sell a cure-all (poison/curse/disease/blind) for 10k a pot and i will happily buy a stack of 100 for every toon.

Sophie The Cat Burglar

Exotic Items Recovery Specialist
Except Sophie the Cat Burglar doesn't have space to store the outfits. :cry:
Might want to make a purchasable bag for those. ;)

A clothing wardrobe would make a very nice addition to DDO but I do not consider clothing storage a problem. Each of my characters has two to 5 outfit items. Across all my characters, that amounts to 75 or more outfit items, but the individual burden is very light. I could easily store another 100 outfits.