long live ROGUE
Link to wiki on Sealed in Amber.
The two in the middle, at the very top, above Heinrich Stolt. Been trying to get to them. After getting first scrolls, wiki says to do this to get to them:
Any tips? I can do the quest easily enough, just do not like leaving a pair of chests unlooted. I like to ransack this kind of stuff for rare filigrees.
Thanks in advance.
The two in the middle, at the very top, above Heinrich Stolt. Been trying to get to them. After getting first scrolls, wiki says to do this to get to them:
- Path without secret doors and an optional and two chests on the fly (variant 2):
- Jump down to the bottom floor and head straight west. At the intersection, go south and then immediately west again.
- You may ignore the enemies in the room; use teleporter in the north-west corner.
- Get some XP, loot the chests and return through the teleporter.
Any tips? I can do the quest easily enough, just do not like leaving a pair of chests unlooted. I like to ransack this kind of stuff for rare filigrees.
Thanks in advance.