Sealed in Amber--getting to the two chests up top?


long live ROGUE
Link to wiki on Sealed in Amber.

The two in the middle, at the very top, above Heinrich Stolt. Been trying to get to them. After getting first scrolls, wiki says to do this to get to them:
  1. Path without secret doors and an optional and two chests on the fly (variant 2):
    1. Jump down to the bottom floor and head straight west. At the intersection, go south and then immediately west again.
    2. You may ignore the enemies in the room; use teleporter in the north-west corner.
    3. Get some XP, loot the chests and return through the teleporter.
But I cannot seem to get this to work. I tried all intersections down there and teleporters.

Any tips? I can do the quest easily enough, just do not like leaving a pair of chests unlooted. I like to ransack this kind of stuff for rare filigrees.

Thanks in advance.


long live ROGUE
Ok so I went in and did the steps; I hit the lever just west in the Stolt room.
I still do not see where I need to go. I hunted around searching for the entrance or means to get to that upper area. Does some transporter spawn or something? What am I missing?

A lot of shadows, flameskulls and amber temple guardians are paying the price for this effort.


Well-known member
Per the wiki... the Orange Lever (left of the portal) to activate all the remaining teleporters. If you want to turn off the statue's attacks you face 3 levers when you first enter the lever room; after activating the Orange Lever, activate the Left for the left arm, Middle for the eyes, and Right for the right arm.

There is also an in-game clue. In the room that has the model of castle, click on the drawbrige to lower it. There is then a note in the opening with the clue.

Once you have the teleporters turned on. Got to the room the has the teleporters in opposite corners. One takes you to the top where the two chests are. Labeled T4 on the map


long live ROGUE
Per the wiki... the Orange Lever (left of the portal) to activate all the remaining teleporters. If you want to turn off the statue's attacks you face 3 levers when you first enter the lever room; after activating the Orange Lever, activate the Left for the left arm, Middle for the eyes, and Right for the right arm.

There is also an in-game clue. In the room that has the model of castle, click on the drawbrige to lower it. There is then a note in the opening with the clue.

Once you have the teleporters turned on. Got to the room the has the teleporters in opposite corners. One takes you to the top where the two chests are. Labeled T4 on the map
ahh thx will give it a go. Always wondered about that clue in the drawbridge.

If I flop again I will come back here to lament and request more hand-holding.


Well-known member
This thread proves amber fix was good.

People are discovering stuff there.

Stuff others knew even before flimsy ruined that quest

How many times you zerged through it before finding this out?


long live ROGUE
This thread proves amber fix was good.

People are discovering stuff there.

Stuff others knew even before flimsy ruined that quest

How many times you zerged through it before finding this out?
That was not my motivation—have been looting chests for rare filigree. since they drop in any chest, it is worth seeing if they are accessible.

If you go the Lich route then it is a snap to get the two chests.

For hitting chests for filigree, one can drop down to get first scroll, clear tombs for rare skelly spawn (first); go up to Stolt, get scroll, pull orange lever. Jump across to Lich avenue, get two locked chests (second and third); free lich and then kill it (fourth); finish quest (end chest for fifth) then get the two Miser chests (sixth and seventh) by using secret door for one and the dropdown the falling mimic creates for the other.

There is some way of rapidly getting the werewolf one up top too, but I haven’t bothered and I usually skip the tomb skelly one on high reaper.


The Best
Vent post:

Ran "Sealed in Amber" heroic today... completed in less than 5 minutes. (Not bragging)

I took a break from the game, almost 4 years, so I don't know when the current format was introduced but what a disappointment.
I have run it several times this year so I now know exactly where the 4 passwords are and if you can't be bothered to grab the symbol of Ravenkind, Kasimir will just hand it to you. No need to 'explore' or even check several different places.

I know it went through several revisions after Ravenloft was released but this latest version is pure #!@*^%.
This used to be an innovative exciting quest but it has been completely neutered. Why? Sad.