Symbol spells share a cooldown


The People's Champion
Bug Report Number:
While running a cleric life, I figured I'd try the various symbol spells for giggles and noticed that casting one will put them all on cooldown (and it'll put them on cooldown based off the length of the cooldown of whichever symbol is being cast). I assume this is a bug and not some design choice, because a lvl 4 symbol spell putting a lvl 8 one on cooldown seems broken to me.



Well-known member
I guess symbols are epic strikes lol.

I'd love if symbols were more like primal avatar summons. 20 sec duration with 25 sec cooldown. As they are now they're fairly worthless, and always have been. I guess it was kind of fun to kite enemies through symbol of death in weapons shipment.


The People's Champion
As they are now they're fairly worthless, and always have been.
Symbols are one of those things I never use or even think about; but with my 2nd favorite character I try and do things I never would to see if there's something useful out there that just gets ignored by the playerbase. In this case, I hit that shared cooldown and found the spell experiment quickly derailed.

Titus Ovid

Mover and Shaker
I always wanted to try this part but I never got around to it: Symbols are volatile when placed together.

Maybe scrolling them might work. Scrolls have a shorter cooldown.



Well-known member
Gnomes have some Symbols as dragonmark SLAs, if you want to experiment with the volatility...