The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?


I will be organizing raid nights for ARGONNESSEN Server.

If you want to TEACH or PLAY a raid please respond to this post with:

#1 DAY/TIME(Eastern U.S. or New York City Time) available (please allow adequate time to run the raid).

#2 Lead/Teach or Player

#3 Raid(s) willing to run.


DISCLAIMER: This is a *TEACHING* Raid. It will go MUCH slower than a standard Zerg raid. Please be fore-warned before signing up.

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
Do you have a capped character on argo that's geared to raid?
No, my mains aren't on Argo. But I said I was organizing TEACHING RAIDS across all the servers that need one (for instance Sarlona already has Voodoo who does a fantastic job at this).


The People's Champion
Voodoo actually organizes teaching raids; the man is amazing for that. This is just throwing up a "calendar" with what appears to be zero effort that are setup to fail. Teaching raids need people that actively teach. You posted this same thread on every server with total disregard for what the servers already do. I could name many folks that do raids on Khyber and are very patient and helpful with newer/casual players (Griglok, Lyrin, etc.). I haven't been on Argo long enough to have a feel for that here.
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Well-known member
Might I make a gentle suggestion? I think you should focus on one server first and once you've gotten things down you can expand to others, if there is an appetite for it. Trying to do all of them at once seems like a big task to take on and some servers might be a waste of time due to incredibly low population. Isn't Ghallanda the official new player server? That seems like a good place to start with something like this. Or maybe whichever one you get more bites on.

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
Rednaxxxxx (Emerald Claw raiding) is great on Argo.
Hate Argo, too many streamers on that server. Buuut I've heard of ECR. Nice.
Might I make a gentle suggestion? I think you should focus on one server first and once you've gotten things down you can expand to others, if there is an appetite for it. Trying to do all of them at once seems like a big task to take on and some servers might be a waste of time due to incredibly low population. Isn't Ghallanda the official new player server? That seems like a good place to start with something like this. Or maybe whichever one you get more bites on.

This is what it looks like it's turning out to be and Orien seems to be home server to kick things off which is fantastic as it's the largest server (I think?) and lots of newbs.

Griglok (Karatemack)

Leader- The Casual Obsession (Khyber)
No, my mains aren't on Argo. But I said I was organizing TEACHING RAIDS across all the servers that need one (for instance Sarlona already has Voodoo who does a fantastic job at this).
I knew I should have read the thread on every server before responding to you. This is quite condescending and dismissive of the efforts of players that you clearly know nothing about.

Hate Argo, too many streamers on that server. Buuut I've heard of ECR. Nice.
In my experience, the streaming community is welcoming and nice. If you have had a different experience or even if you're just looking for frinedly DDO content; I would recommend Voodu, Nimvind, KozyBean, Nachowench, EirynaElf, whitewolf3695, AxelAlexK, NomadDog, jenraina, or any of the streamers on the DDOStream.