Update MotU and SoW loot


Active member
It's really outdated, the bases have the old crappy stats and this also happens on other old quests that got epic difficulty recently, like Catacombs. Some of the loot has lower base stats than regular random loot.
The thing is we have sagas that can drop or we can craft gear/weapons for heroics and legendary with sets, and the weapons are good. But in epic leveling most loot that's not random generated is from this 2 expansions and it's outdated.
The Cormyrian weapons from the challenges are worse than lvl20 KotB weapons, so this makes it harder on mid epics unless you can craff yourself something decent for every slot or get lucky on random loot.

Also, unrelated, can we get a pass on hireling AIs sometime? I know it me be very complex to do but they are completely useless beyond heroics and even so.
Upvote 11


Well-known member
We could use one item with first blood feat on it like the autumn cloak has the wind

For nightmare lance and sd debuffs its already garbage throw us a bone we might use it