Hey Tonquin!

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Won't you be my neighbor?
Razorclaw Shifter - racial enhancement tree - Pounce: the animation is wicked cool, but there's some type of glitch as when you land there are a few seconds of immobility and no actions can be taken, which is fine if you don't have their agro, but if you do have their agro they get a free punch before you can react.

Compare it to Spring Attack feat, when you land you can immediately start swinging. I'm running with dual scimitars if that makes a difference.

Anyway, first life as a Razorclaw Shifter, and wow the dps capability is rock solid! I like how Pounce works too, as it rushes up to, but not through the target.


Well-known member
Found a bug with fiend warlock. Started off on korthos island. Picked up the starter fire wand. Equipped the wand b/c it gives +fire spellpower. Made sure that my eldritch blast was on ... and the wand fires with active attacks. Was able to replicate this. Thank you for looking into it. :)


The People's Champion
Found a bug with fiend warlock. Started off on korthos island. Picked up the starter fire wand. Equipped the wand b/c it gives +fire spellpower. Made sure that my eldritch blast was on ... and the wand fires with active attacks. Was able to replicate this. Thank you for looking into it. :)
That's an odd one as I like that functionality on my warlock. It lets me equip a wand, use it, and then swap back to weapon instead of having to equip wand, toggle blast off, use it, swap weapon back, toggle blast back on (that's lot of time spent). Of course I can see how that might be a problem for someone just using a wand for stats, but for actually using the wand to cast fast it's great the way it is.


Well-known member
Sacred Fist Avenging Whirlwind and Exalted Whirlwind hitbox seems to be very.... Off. Sometimes it hits enemies out of range of normal attacks, other times it misses. A LOT of times it just does nothing to targets standing directly in front of me or to the sides. It's like a 50/50 gamble on if it'll hit everything. Keeps things spicy when you're surrounded by R6 mobs, but definitely a bit frustrating at times. Also, you can't activate both back to back or the 2nd one activated will just dry fire and still go on cooldown. Because sometimes your feet don't like hitting the enemy? 😂


Well-known member
Mass Inflict Wound spells cast by clerics heal undead. Inflict wound bottle spells cast by Alchemists do not interact with enemy undead at all (no target, no damage, no heal, no on-cast effects triggered). Shouldn't they both do the same thing? can we have Alchemist inflict admixtures act properly and heal enemy undead please


Less Nerfy Nerfy more fixy fixy
Mass Inflict Wound spells cast by clerics heal undead. Inflict wound bottle spells cast by Alchemists do not interact with enemy undead at all (no target, no damage, no heal, no on-cast effects triggered). Shouldn't they both do the same thing? can we have Alchemist inflict admixtures act properly and heal enemy undead please
do you have target undead off in settings?


Well-known member
nope, there's no way to make it effect them. in fact I should be able to target myself and stand near the undead and have them take negative damage from the AOE. it doesn't do this. it does nothing. conversely the cleric spells hit them no matter what. if they are in the AOE they are effected
I got a couple things I noticed, first is that since the destiny change, my magus cold/neg aura no longer transfers to my summons ( at least the golem ones from the magus tree).
Another one that idk if it would be something in your wheelhouse or more for Steelstar, but on my caster arti warforged male, the strinati hand cannon seems to be firing weird ( this is my first time using runearms since the change was made to them a bit ago) as does the acid shot of my corruption of nature. The strinati cannon is weird because if I target say a sarcophagus, it will fire and aim down to the ground in front of it, the same goes for other targets and I often find myself having to jump before shooting each shot to make sure it does not collide with the ground, did the size of it get inflated so now it will touch anything in its path and explode or something? As for the acid shot with the corruption of nature, the projectiles trajectory feels bad, not sure if it was any different before the update to runearms, I can fire a tier 4 charge and only two shots will ever hit the enemy because they don't home very well and since the shots strength was adjusted to consider how many projectiles get fired, that isn't very much damage, would appreciate a more violent homing and/or the initial spread of the shot to be narrower so they don't have to curve as much to hit.


Well-known member
In the tooltip for Jaws of Winter, it states that its DC is Stun vs. Fortitude DC: 10 + Druid level + Highest of Wisdom, Dexterity, or Strength + Stun bonuses. This is not true. I tested it by unequipping and reequipping gear and saw that its displayed DC only drops when I take off an item with wisdom on it, while strength is my druid's highest stat. Insightful combat mastery and stunning bonuses from gear also don't affect the displayed DC of this spell.

I can confirm that Takedown works like its tooltip says, though.


Well-known member
Hey Tonquinn,

The epic feats that grant the spells ruin and greater ruin are not affected by any form of spell cool-down reduction, my understanding is all of these work like spells as in they are affected by spell cost reduction bonuses and do not benefit from metamagic feats for free alltough they do not seem to be affected by spell cool-down reduction. Is this WAI or a bug? I have not tested with bogw, hellball and arcane pulse but these might be in the same bracket.
The DDO wiki lists all of these abilities as spells. So it seems logical they would all be treated as such.

Did some test runs in grim and barret and daunting roar does not work with energy vortex.
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Well-known member
Death Salve makes heroic and legendary Teal targetable by inflict bottle but also makes it hurt them. I can kill teal with inflict admixtures


Well-known member
Hello Tonquin,

can you please check the Epic Ability Carrion Swarm?

It's a DOT spell with a fort save, is it intented that the save is on application so the spell does nothing at all on the save unlike other DOT spells and that subsequent save completely removes it instead of save for half like other fortitude spells?

Then, can you please check the DCs? Something doesn't seem right to me since enemies almost always save even on low difficulties. Is all of: "20 + Highest of Int/Wis/Cha Modifier + Conjuration Bonus" properly applying like in the description?
Is the save triggering too often for mobs or maybe double? Maybe a save for poison damage also making the acid portion not apply and vice versa?

Hey Tonquin,
(Love the new changes, BUT...)
Elemental domain cleric (fire) (sun elf) in this scenario.
Ascendance does not let them turn anything other than undead and elementals. (normal for elemental turners)
Please fix, Thank you very much :)


Melee Artificer Freak
Hide Infinite Duration Buffs, if checked, hides non infinite buffs like Deadly Weapons and Insightful Damage.
Those 2 are spells have a duration for sure. Prolly there are more.


Well-known member
Hide Infinite Duration Buffs, if checked, hides non infinite buffs like Deadly Weapons and Insightful Damage.
Those 2 are spells have a duration for sure. Prolly there are more.
This is probably in effect for Enchant and Elemental aswell. Death Pact probably too..?


Active member
Warlock spell fog cloud seems to have a bug. It casts you see the cloud and poof its gone. Druid version works warlock one seems not to


Well-known member
Heroic Inferno of the Damned: Acolyte does not activate.

(Standard): You are on server 45 at r1 lx1768 ly80 i2049 cInside ox-42.51 oy-28.52 oz-98.96 h191.3. Game timestamp 563686527.677.
(Standard): Q:0x70007EB9

2nd run waited 2 minutes and still no activation.
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The People's Champion
Was running an acid warlock and it gave me this spell as part of my pact. Is this the correct cooldown? It seems very excessive given finger of death, PK, and trap the soul are all 8 to 10 second cooldowns.


Well-known member
Was running an acid warlock and it gave me this spell as part of my pact. Is this the correct cooldown? It seems very excessive given finger of death, PK, and trap the soul are all 8 to 10 second cooldowns.
All word of power have those long cooldowns. It's because they don't have a save. I never use them, I don't see any use in them, but I guess they have to somehow balance not having a save.

In pnp, the disadvantage of not having a save is that they are HD capped, and are equally useless lol

I wish they gave finger of death as part of the pact instead of the word of power. Or that it was trap the soul, which is very thematic for an Old Ones warlock.


Well-known member
Heroic Ghosts of Perdition There is an Ice Flenser that is routinely stuck in the wall, can hear it but not attack it.

(Standard): You are on server 57 at r1 lx1752 ly80 i2049 cInside ox18.40 oy-93.96 oz-178.63 h168.8. Game timestamp 563692677.569.
(Standard): Q:0x70007EB3
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