DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th


Well-known member
Haha. Just as I thought.
Third circle of the Nine Hells. Malbolgia's realm, otherwise known as New Jersey.
Ah. I'd rather slash my wrists than drive in Jersey.


Well-known member
Guys, can we start talking about the database? If it was an abrupt outtage like that, probably the database got fried too. How often do they take backups? Days?
The damaged equipment does not appear to be the severs themselves (assuming they are hosted on more than one physical box). The damaged equipment is on the network side. What this looked like to the servers was everyone losing their internet connection at precisely the same moment. The database would have processed the last transactions received, then simply saw no more after that.
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Well-known member
tell me you not a tradesmen with out telling me your not a trades men. trust me many of us will come in today for 3x time. its sunday and a holiday. the problem i see is getting parts if you dont have now your not getting it till Monday at 8 am
no1 is at office Cordo i writing from home... dont get fooled
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Well-known member
Some of it actually might as they seem to have had a power spike frying parts of network equipment. Say an entire rack of Cisco access routers.
A good data center should have circuit breakers for spikes. I'm saying should, and also it is possible that these breakers malfunction.


Well-known member
It is very obvious that people are reaching a point of anger, insults and discomfort.
Today I don't think they will find the solution.
  • Haha
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Please SSG, no more nerfs. Thank you!
Once again, there is noone at the office, noone at the New Jersey server farm, and Cord's typing everything out on his iphone while greeting friends and family and having brunch.

Go out and touch more grass.