When Voodusypce becomes DDO President


Well-known member
  1. A Tab in the character sheet that lists tomes available for each stat and a visual tracking system to show the current tome bonus vs possible bonus
    1. (eg: +3 STR out of a posible +8 STR)
I need ^^ this.
So very much this!
I have a spreadsheet, but I'm sure it's not accurate, I feel I've forgotten to log a couple I bought from the Remnant guy.


Well-known member
But where does Voodusypce stand on the issue of Kobold relations?
They have hated us for a long time.

As well as the continual siege of Korthos.
Sahagun need to be declared enemies of the state.


DDO Hawaiian Style!
Kozybean has also indicated that she would like to be DDO President as well. Given this, I would like to propose that debates be held in the Wayward Lobster brawling pit, with just fists and no gear whatsoever. May the best candidate win!


Well-known member
Some of you may know of the most prolific DDO streamer on Twitch, Vooduspyce

I am a new player to DDO, started up a few months ago and have been thoroughly enjoying the Uncle Voodu Morning Show. It's just a place where we can chat about the game we love, have a couple of laughs over a cup of coffee. It's coffee, it's talk, no big whup.

Anyway Voodu often makes promises of simple, yet amazing features that will be added to Dungeons and Dragon Online when he becomes DDO President. Now he has top men and women working on a plan to make this happen. That plan involves time travel, among other surefire methods but here is the problem. I don't want Voodu to become DDO president because what then becomes of the Vooduspyce morning show? Yes he has a magnificent beard, but he is only one man, and being DDO President isn't 'no big whup'.

So I thought that if the things Voodu promised would be added to the game when he becomes DDO President were added proactively, he wouldn't have to become DDO President and there is no risk to the Uncle Voodu Morning Show.

Without further ado; When Vooduspyce becomes DDO President:
  1. A tab will be added to the Guild Panel that is a blank, free form field (just like the bio tab on the character sheet
    1. This can be used to publish a guild raid schedule among other things
  2. Two-Factor Authentication for DDO
    1. This was discussed years ago and seems to have lost traction
  3. The ability to gift other players purchases from the DDO store
    1. This is sure to drive revenue and increase the support and longevity of our favorite game
  4. A Tab in the character sheet that lists tomes available for each stat and a visual tracking system to show the current tome bonus vs possible bonus
    1. (eg: +3 STR out of a posible +8 STR)
There are many more Vooduspyce for President campaign promises and I will rely on his community and Uncle Voodu himself to populate this thread with the others.

If you have read this far I want to thank you sincerely for your time and consideration.
About that time traveling .. I know a doc that is trying to unload his his time travel machine. It looks like a DeLorean. Not many dent's or scratches. Though some reassembly will be required.....

As for the rest. I am onboard with it. As it would definitely be a QOL improvement.


Active member
Hey Vooboo thanks SO much for your endorsement to vote for me for the DDO Presidential candidacy! Does this mean you are conceding your candidacy?



Active member
He's got my vote.

I would like to see him to end the suffering in Ravenloft. They are good people. They share what they have, they just don't have much.


Less Nerfy Nerfy more fixy fixy
i got a slayer arrow with his name on it if he does.

This was a joke only a joke in context (no voodoos were harmed in the making of this)