Recent content by Toombs

  1. T

    DDO fun memories

    Oh Man. I totally forgot about Ghoste. I use to watch his videos all the time.
  2. T

    DDO fun memories

    Shadow humping was so funny. I also enjoyed throwing Grease as we all waited to make the run to Hound or VOD.
  3. T

    Vish's thoughts

    I ran with you the other night. Your mic definitely works. You kept yawning which is highly contagious. It was not nice. Lol
  4. T

    Elric! - This'll make a lot of you piqued

    Yes. But the Blackrazor was a blatant ripoff of Stormbringer when the module was released years ago that it fits better. It has all the power. Just make sure when you create Elric in DDO to give him a 6 Con.
  5. T

    Elric! - This'll make a lot of you piqued

    Just create a character on any server. Make him look as Albino as possible. Multiclass as an EDK. Get a Blackrazor and say you are another Eternal Champion. kinda have Elric in DDO
  6. T

    Card of Curse Cleansing

    So I looted this thing...not sure even how. Chest? Dice Roll? I literally was selling stuff when i saw something in my inventory I'd never seen before. I do know how rare it is. So I'm feeling pretty nifty and special right now. I need to go buy a lottery ticket.
  7. T

    Anyone TRing?

    That's what I'm doing by TRing. I'm getting to play the game at appropriate levels. I solo anything I don't know well. Been having fun so far.
  8. T

    Anyone TRing?

    So I'm gonna assume the sky didn't really fall and everyone is TRing? :)
  9. T

    Anyone TRing?

    I TR'd last week and should hit cap hopefully this weekend if I'm lucky and find a good group. I got lucky yesterday and ran with some cool folks! Once I hit 30 I'm doing and Epic...then a Heroic or Iconic since I got some extended free time. My main point in the original post was more along...
  10. T

    Anyone TRing?

    If it's bad it's gonna be bad if I TR or not. I'll adapt on the fly if I need to. I'm not to concerned. I'll have fun either way.
  11. T

    Anyone TRing?

    I'm hoping to hit cap this weekend if possible and then TRing again on the 28th for another run up. Just look for Raenin if anyone wants to run stuff.
  12. T

    Anyone TRing?

    Ahhhh. I didn't think about that. Thanks!
  13. T

    Anyone TRing?

    So I've been back a month now and finally decided to TR. I had 5 lives under my belt before I stopped playing in 2012. The issue I'm having now is finding a group to run stuff with. Is there a TR channel on the server? I have to be honest I remember most of the quest...but I'm not as fast as...
  14. T

    it's been a minute

    Hello all! Returning player. Last time I played was right after MOTU came out.'s been 12 years! All the Epic gear I spent a lot of time getting is outdated now . But that just means it's like when I 1st booted up the game in 2007! So if you see me running around and don't mind playing...