DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th


Well-known member
it would be awesome if our ERP system at work would go down for this long period of time occasionally :D


Well-known member
This message contradicts the previous message promising meaningful status updates.
Obviously there are bigger issues than "they" suspected. "They" still have no idea and are still researching it. "They" have to get rest at some point. By, "they" of course, I am referring to the one intern they have watching one of the most core systems to their entire business.


Well after 12 hours, and a "storm outage", to a data center issue, and then giving an ETA or an UP status, and now going to data center not allowing access, seems like the goal posts are moving.


Well-known member
We are continuing to work on issues at the data center preventing access to the game worlds. As soon as I know more I will let you know.
While I do appreciate the update, I (and probably many other players too) would prefer to have an estimated ETA, even if it would take days, so I can plan accordingly when I can access the game again. thank you


Well-known member
I just woke up. I was dreaming that I was kicking Lolths butt. Had her pinned and was winning. When the wife wakes me up. Asking is the game up yet?
Me: No hun, only in my dreams and kicking Lolths butt. Thanks for asking....


Well-known member
You know this as fact? So many people with all the answers...

Wait.for it....

Once this person sees this response they will tell us how much they know about IT, Data centers, software engineering and anything related to using a computer...