Make first time xp bonuses reset after a week.


Well-known member
Please make first time and delving xp bonuses reset after a week. It would make it easier to catch up on epic past lives and on reaper points at level cap.
Upvote 4


Well-known member
A reason to log and actually play an alt at least 1 week every 6 months with out a stupid tr

Combo with summer sails make it a big thing and people are excited to log and play in the summer


Well-known member
Everyone wants first-time bonuses, and yet all I see are the same LFMs over and over again.


Well-known member
ETR should reset your 1st time bonus but only for epic quests.

If someone wanna ETR 54 times in a row, the game should support that.
My toon Seldissan has completed 24 ETRs in a row so far without the first-time bonus resetting. It just means running some more quests to get the xp (daily bonus helps with this). My plan with her is to continue until all ETRs are done.
For my other main Mornyngstar I am doing Racial TRs but getting 4-5 ETRs in per Racial TR. Even after getting all ETRs done, I will still continue thru epics to get the Reaper xp farmed, (averaging 1.25 mil-2 mil rxp/racial life).

Please make first time and delving xp bonuses reset after a week. It would make it easier to catch up on epic past lives and on reaper points at level cap.
I vote no. You have daily bonus, you also have TRing that resets bonuses and with my alts it takes 4-5 ETRs to run off all epic content. Adding something like this to the game will focus people onto certain tracks for xp instead of spreading out to "first time Bonus content" to help with leveling.


Well-known member
First time bonus is to intice people to play different content. They want people to experience what they've taken time to create.

Daily bonus is for the ones wanting to cherry pick the quests they run, for whatever reason they choose.

Both bonuses WAI, imo.