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  1. Dhalgren

    Copy "Service News" items into "General Discussion".

    It costs you nothing and it would vastly expand the reach of your "Service News" messages. They are relatively infrequent anyway. This would really help people know what's going to be going on. I'd venture that the vast majority of the playerbase doesn't exactly have "Service News" feeding...
  2. Dhalgren

    Second blade trap in Kind of a Big Deal

    I'm doing my first run through this quest on EE and it seems that the second blade trap's Control Panel is a bit high for my character (gnome). I had to jump onto the lamp to get it. The trap couldn't hit me there and I could access the panel without getting the "blocked" message. I'm not sure...
  3. Dhalgren

    Training dummies: why are they soft after going down once?

    Makes it hard to get a feel for DPS when they change how they react to damage. Is there an upside to this behaviour that I'm just missing?
  4. Dhalgren

    House of Death Undone nots

    Thought this might be worth adding to the flashstones drop on death, so if you have some and die, make sure someone retrieves them. You can do this after Wizard Relig dies (just finished the quest solo and this happened to me). Also, the DC on...
  5. Dhalgren

    Epic Phiarlan Mirror Cloak with old augment slot

    I have an older Epic Phiarlan Mirror Cloak. It says: "Empty Colorless Augment Slot: This item can be upgraded with a Colorless Augment Crystal. Note: This Augment Slot is unable to hold newly-acquired augments. To upgrade this augment slot, place the item together with 50 Siberys Dragonshard...
  6. Dhalgren

    Know The Angles says...

    ...that I should be getting 120 seconds out of one call, with three stacks invested in Harper Agent. Yet I am still getting only 30 seconds. I mean it's not a HUGE deal because the cooldown is 20s, but still, what did I spend those points for?
  7. Dhalgren

    Apache redirect rule for the old forums

    Any chance we could get a redirect or rewrite rule into the Apache configs to redirect links to the old forums to their actual locations? I'd be happy to help.
  8. Dhalgren

    [RESOLVED] Barovian's Heavy Crossbow tips and Macabre Heavy Crossbow tip seems mixed up

    On the wiki page for the Macabre Heavy Crossbow ( one line under Tips seems like it should be on the Barovian's Heavy Crossbow page ( instead: For free, one per life, from Tobar the...
  9. Dhalgren

    Homage to Boo. And, I love The Pit. (Boring story; move on)

    Many years ago (circa 2011/12) I was a young n00b in DDO, running around the Waterworks trying to find my way. At some point I ran into Mmmboo. He was highly skilled but also the nicest, kindest, and most helpful soul I could have run into at the time. He led me on many wild rides, not least of...
  10. Dhalgren

    Pugs can be great

    ...and then some chucklehead decides to complete the quest early and screw the party out of optionals. Yeah, I get zerging, I've zerged, I will zerg again, but dude. Not your party, have the decency to check first. Don't just complete. That last 75% in Ghost of a Chance for the puzzle isn't...
  11. Dhalgren

    Gamebreaking issue! Emergency!

    I started in 2010 and this has always bugged me. However upon reflection I don't know if this should be fixed or not. The Wayward Lobster's map is rotated and the entrances don't match with the exits. But man after all these years if they fixed that it might throw me off. hm
  12. Dhalgren

    ETR then RTR question

    Getting ready to TR back from 32 to get my alchemist life. I was thinking of ETRing to 20 and then RTRing to get alchemist and a racial in one swoop. Note that this toon is very old and I'm returning after being away since before racial TR was a thing, so I have no racial past lives. Currently...
  13. Dhalgren

    So I need an alchemist life

    Back after several years away. Like, old EDs, before the Sharn expansion, last thing I really remember is Barovia kinda years. It seems that I am no longer a completionist. I need an alchemist life, and the class looks interesting. I really like trapping and sneaking and I've managed to run...
  14. Dhalgren

    Interesting Frostlight note . . .

    . . . or maybe this is well known. Or just not interesting :) Returning to the game after a few years away, and have picked up Frostlight to play with. Frostlight deals a certain amount of cold damage to enemies within melee range, every six seconds. This damage scales with Cold power. If you...