Anyone else unable to log in ?


Well-known member
I don't know if it helped or it was serendipity but I did an ipconfig /flushdns and restarted the launcher and it worked. G-land seems to be the only one with issues AFAIK


Well-known member
I had the same problem yesterday morning and still having it today. Other servers are fine.


Well-known member
Ayup. Since Thursday it's been taking me 2-5 tries to get in.

Getting in line to connect... *a few minutes later( ... Failed to queue for server (0xA0010000) ... *close and try again*

No problem with other servers.


New member
Same. Tried flushing DNS but didn't work. No problem logging into Argo. Seems to just be completely random when you get in with nothing in particular being repeatably effective.


Well-known member
Same. Tried flushing DNS but didn't work. No problem logging into Argo. Seems to just be completely random when you get in with nothing in particular being repeatably effective.
Not my home server but I just logged in to check and was in world in about 30 seconds.


Well-known member
I flushed DNS and then restarted my computer, and then I could log in. It didn't work after flushdns, so I flushed again, restarted, and then it worked. Not sure if that actually helped though or if I just got lucky.


I had this happen Thursday night and part of Friday. I did the repair stuff and it waws no go. Filed a bug report and last night it let me in.


New member
Started getting this issue yesterday (Friday August 4, 2023), gave up after 4 attempts, went and played LotRO for a while and then tried DDO again and was able to connect to Ghallanda straight away! I play on two servers, Ghallanda is my main server but I also play on Thelanis. No problems with connecting to Thelanis at all, connection went straight in yesterday and today. But not with Ghallanda, both yesterday and today I get this connection issue. Multiple attempts to connect to Ghallanda and each one fails with the "Failed to launch client "Failed to queue for server (0xA0010000"" error message. Even after clicking on the "Close" button on that message, the DDO launcher is still stuck on "Getting in line to connect..." and stays stuck until I exit the launcher!

I'll go play LotRO for a while and then try DDO again after that.

EDIT: Played LotRO for a while, then tried DDO again. But selecting Ghallanda still results in the "Failed to queue for server" message! So, after shutting down the DDO launcher, I ran an admin command prompt with the "ipconfig /flushdns" command. Loaded up the DDO launcher, logged in, selected Ghallanda and connected straight away! Will have to see what happens tomorrow!

EDIT #2: Problem was still present on Sunday, but yesterday and today there was no issue with connecting to Ghallanda.
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Well-known member
I tested out the problem by repeatedly opening the launcher app, attempting to login into Ghallanda and closing the launcher. Of the 14 times I tried, it successfully logged me in 5 times. It looks like there maybe a redundant queue service with one of the instances being non-responsive. It definitely didn't seem like an issue with my install or DNS as those were not changed during my attempts.

I also did a test where once the client successfully launched, i used that same launcher window (I have "keep launcher open" selected) repeatedly and reconnected to G-land. I did that about 10 times and every time it logged me in successfully. I closed the launcher and started a new one and it again failed. This supports the idea that their may be a hung service if they are using sticky sessions. Hopefully this helps SSG troubleshoot the issue.
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The People's Champion
Someone just joined DDO discord because of this issue with it happening on argo too (a bunch of people on discord have been having issues with Gland); so not sure if it's cascading into other servers or just a one off with them having the same problem on argo.


Well-known member
Most if not all of my guildies are having this issue. This will require SSG's reconfiguration or patchwork.

Easy workaround for now.

1. Log into Ghallanda. If you see this error proceed to the last two steps.
2. Log into any other server.
3. Log into Ghallanda.

Should work. 5/6 times for me thusfar. On the try that this didnt work, I just tried G-land 2 more times and it connected.

Don't let SSG get ya down --- Tell 'em BB...



New member
We've reset some things that should resolve this issue. Let me know if you are still running into a sporadic error connecting to Ghallanda.
Well it seems to be working so far, I was able to connect to Ghallanda straight away yesterday and again today. Will certainly let you know if the issue pops back up though!