Ascension Chamber


Well-known member
Last Night we started with Heroic Abbot. Then onto Epic Chrono, VoN 5&6, Zawabie's and Fall of truth. Back to Heroic Titan Raid (I botched the 1 shot so had to use 5/8 pillars to take him down, no misses). The people joining seem to be getting really good at the pre-raid, so we complete in less than 30 mins now consistently, even while understaffed (5 this time). Then had a request to do Reaver's Fate, Heroic HoX, VoD, MA and finished with LoB.

We did have some people question why we were doing the heroic raids. The answer to that is because not many people run them so you can get favor experience for the style of raid, for the Titan Raid anticipating that eventually they will Epic or Legendary it. Not sure if everyone knows but there is something like 30ish items that drop in the flagging quests, pre-raid and raid. Imagine Legendary version of the Seven Fingered Gloves or even the Titanic Docent or Royal Guard Mask. If it comes to pass, then having people trained with the heroic raid will make it that much easier to conquer the Epic/Legendary if it comes.

As a note also, 2 people in the Abbot Raid did the water section the correct way, instead of just swimming it. I was impressed since I have never done it that way.

Next week I will be at a Gaming Convention so no raids. I will be running again on January 21 4pm EST (9pm GMT).


Well-known member
Just seeing this now. I guess I can stop sitting outside the door to the Black Abbott. Hope you had fun at the convention...
Yes, yes I did. I learned the strategies of playing as the dwarves and trolls in Thud! and had a few games of Catan using my 10th Anniversary 3D set. Currently suffering a Chinese's buffet hangover but recovering.

The Raid schedule will be back to normal January 21 4pm EST (9pm GMT). Currently thinking about adding to the rotation Mark of Death (MoD), Fire on Thunderpeak (FoTP), Temple of the Deathwyrm (DW) and Defiler of the Just (DoJ).


I know I have someone flagged for DoJ, but not for any of the others. I remember running the Thunderholme raids a long time ago when they first came out and remember them being really long...


Well-known member
Last night's raid run was pretty good. We started with the standard HE Abbot, EE Chrono was interesting because Cergen had started one 8 minutes before we were to start. I had my group jump into his since there was space. Unfortunately, not everyone made it, sorry. Afterwards Cergen gave me the star and we went onto VoN 5&6, Zawabie's and FoT.

From there we had a request for Deathwyrm which was a success except for Fouroheight (I hope I spelled that right) I tried to get him back to the beginning before the lockout, but someone rushed ahead (my apologies). Then of course most people wanted to do Fire on Thunderpeak so that was done also. Next, we moved onto Mark of Death which is a serious let down compared to Heroic Abbot (I do believe the water is more dangerous in Heroic).

Then this is where I got derailed. A few people wanted Legendary Tempest Spine which is outside what I like to run (Skor... is to blame a bit). I told everyone I was uncomfortable running it, but no one wanted to lead so I was stuck with it. Someone suggested R1, another countered with R10, and I compromised with R4 (lucky that we did). I asked if people wanted to do the shortcut or the long way and more than a few said, "There is a long way?" They could not remember it since it had been so long since they had done it. Now to how I failed the group. I completely forgot about the 75 Strength lever. At first, we did not have it. Dreamt was close but had to switch some filigrees (maybe another weapon) there was some spells from some people and Crowsniffer came thru with a Potion of Prowess +3. So, it looked like everyone helped but me.

There were so many comments about not having run certain raids in years some said a decade even. So, I will continue running the older raids and leave Legendary Tempest Spine to those who are more able to run it. (At least until the level cap gets high enough that it becomes an old raid :cool:)

As a note Iaewen reached 7500+ Favor on Deathwyrm raid. Thank you everyone.


Well-known member
Last night was another success. HE Abbot, EE Chrono, VoN 5&6, Zawabie's, FoT (actually had a full group for this), FoTP, Deathwyrm (Only took us 20 minutes to get to the end fight, Amazing!), MoD (Bugged a little but made it), DoJ. Right before running MoD/DoJ I saw Dreamt was posted for raids and had included MoD. I invited them over and after DoJ handed the raid to them to run the higher-level raids.


Well-known member
Last night was a success. almost every raid was full. had the standard HE Abbot, EE Chrono, VoN 5&6, Zawabie's, FoT (had a couple new players so timing was a little off on double takedowns. They overcame it by shear DPS.) Due to a request from Xeang (who confuses FoT and Reaver's Fate) we ran HE Reaver's Fate next, then moved on to the HE Titan raid (due to helping someone new, I was late getting in, and the group had completed everything except the puzzle that was my job, I am a slow poke). After that wrangled the group thru the Subterrane and ran HE HoX, moved back to Market for HE VoD (1 trap blew so it was kind of fun) and finished the night off with MA (I am sorry for killing you again Grolag).
Had a couple other people ask about the cap raids and let them know that I only do Lv 30 and under.

As a note I helped flag 7 people on Saturday and Sunday flag for Abbot raid. If there are too many people for 1 raid I will be willing to run a 2nd after the first.

Planning on LoB, ToD, FoTP, DW and CiTW after the standard start next week. February 25th.


Well-known member
Running an extra Abbot run today (Wednesday) at 4pm EST. Rigzi has requested since the time slot on Sunday does not work for him. If there is enough interest, I will continue running it weekly with time permitting.

Reaped and Ravaged

Well-known member
Running these legacy raids on Thelanis is much appreciated!



Well-known member
Ran thru the standard raids Heroic Abbot, EE Chrono, VoN 5&6, Zawabie's, FoT. We then caught up with CiTW since we missed it last week (Goco? had their first time thru this raid, also was able to get some weapons for people that needed them). Moved onto Titan raid where we had an upset at the start. I was solving the puzzle side, yes there was others there helping, when the power stopped going thru at the 3rd door. We were already working on the 7th door. Tried looking thru the grates to either side and was unable to see tile positioning but we were past that point so don't know what happened to it. We had to do a restart. 2nd attempt went faster. When we got to the Titan raid itself, I forgot about NOT summoning my archon (Favored Soul) so ended up damaging a couple pillars prematurely. This coupled with a couple lag spikes and we failed the raid. (My apologies to everyone that was there, I will do better next week.) We then moved onto Heroic HoX then VoD.

As a note we had some late joiners on Abbot, so we recalled and reset. Unfortunately, Diecurious was already in Asteroids and managed to single handedly complete it since he didn't see the chat about recalling.

Next week after the standard will be a makeup Titan run.

Also got my 20th completions on VoN and Zawabie's the end rewards kinda sucked. Von was 18 Keys and Zawabie's was 10 different choices of Sand Crystals ranging from 15-20.


Well-known member
Last night was a good run again. In Abbot Diecurious had a Quiver drop for themselves and also won the roll for a Seal of the Abbot, Congratz. Did have some issue with getting Chrono started. The lag was bad enough that it booted me from the game, and I had to do a complete computer restart. afterwards things smoothed out for the most part. Titan raid succeed this time around because of Rathalos who 1 shot the Titan. Crowsniffer ended up getting the Seven Fingered Gloves (Really hoping to get an epic/legendary version of those at some point). Then we moved onto Reaver's Fate where again people thought it was the epic version (Fall of Truth), lol. After that was Fire on Thunder Peak. We were short a tank, so I grabbed Nukuma, my orc paladin, and eventually we got everyone in the raid and completed. By that time, it was end of raiding so next week will continue with Deathwyrm. Also slated is Heroic Tower of Despair, Shroud, Master Artificer, Lord of Blades, Hound of Xoriat, Vision of Destruction and plus any others given time and what is wanted.


By that time, it was end of raiding so next week will continue with Deathwyrm. Also slated is Heroic Tower of Despair, Shroud, Master Artificer, Lord of Blades, Hound of Xoriat, Vision of Destruction and plus any others given time and what is wanted.
As usual, thanks for leading these runs...
As to the above, is this in place of the standard Abbot/Chrono/VON/Zawabi start?
I finally have someone flagged for MoD now too...


Well-known member
As usual, thanks for leading these runs...
As to the above, is this in place of the standard Abbot/Chrono/VON/Zawabi start?
I finally have someone flagged for MoD now too...
Standard is not changing, I just update what is happening after the standard. There are still a lot of people that need to get Quivers and the Chrono/VoN/Zawabie's is for Greater Tokens (I have a ton of items to make epic) and FoT is fast, and I am still looking for Violet Gelatinous Cube-let, also for those who still need Commendation of Heroism.


Well-known member
My buddy and I definitely would like to do more raids. We usually two man raids Thunderforge and Lower but we are doing the past life grind to get up to par with everyone. I have at least a few lives past Epic Completionist 4 iconic several heroic including 3 lives Cleric couple each of monk paladin fighter and a few others but only one racial. Going for 3X Epic and probably be in Epic Legendary for some time because of it but we are still under 20 this yeah now that I bored you if you have a Sunday raid thing going from here on out I will tell him.


Well-known member
Another good day of running. We did the standard very fast this week Abbot lasted only 2 rounds. Zawabie's lasted 7-8 minutes because we started and waited for late joiners to get in. FoT was done in 10 minutes. After that we had a nice Heroic train of Hound of Xoriat (had 12 but 1 dropped due to how long it was taking to get everyone to the raid), Vision of Destruction, Master Artificer, Lord of Blades, Tower of Despair (I ended up having to run Morwem out to the entrance twice due to a mis click on getting the teleport out there option), and ran a Shroud with a couple people bringing their alts since we had the space. That wrapped everything up after 5 hours of playing.

Next week after the standard we have Thunder Holm Raids, DoJ, Mod and whatever else we can fit in.


Well-known member
Last Sunday March 24th, we had a new person to the raid named Cinnamony. I had been bugging them about Abbot for a while now (they had never done it before) but had been in other raids that I had run. They managed to wing and a prayer on the right side of tiles their first time in and then managed to use the Alpha Goggles to do the left side as well, so their baptism by facing the void was successful. Rathalos was also in the raid and was kind enough to do Asteroids for us. The rest of the standard run was uneventful other than the number of people that were not flagged for FoT because of red dooring quests or not doing them. (A lot started to flag because of that).
After the Standard we moved directly to FoTP and then Deathwyrm. Had 2 new players in FoTP but the real surprise was when we got to Temple of the Deathwyrm. We had someone join that had never run in a raid before and here I was dragging them thru Deathwyrm on R1 for their first raid (I think they will be back; it was fun). We finished of the night with a quick MoD then DoJ.


Well-known member
Last Sunday's Raid night started off with the Standard raids. participation was pretty good. After those we did Titan Raid which was awesome due to the actual full group and having Woodstick along. This was their first Titan Raid and he wanted to learn so took the time to have him do the green side puzzle. also had 3 others come along and watch how it was done. (Took some time but everyone was patient with it.) Originally was running that raid for Heikenmore but they were offline so we will do Titan again next week. After Titan we had a request for Heroic Hox which lead to VoD then Ma and finally LoB. So another good raiding night.

We also had a request come in for CiTW and Heroic Shroud so will be adding thoose for the next raid night.

On Tueday had someone request Heroic Tempest Spine so I tossed up an lfm for favor and actually had 2 newbies and another join. Did the full run to explain how everying works and connects in the raid , including where the shortcut is and where it hooks up to the long way thru. I had the new people beat on Sorjax for a bit so they would understand why we needed the runes. had them solve the puzzle then attack again.


Well-known member
Just got done another Raiding evening. Of all things we had an overfull group for Abbot so Quellchrist dropped so a new person could have their turn at a run. Picked him back up for the rest of the standard raids. We then moved to Titan which of all things was full also. I was able to teach 4 others how to do the Green side Puzzle. we then moved onto Heroic Shroud, Reaver's Fate and wrapped up the night with a full group for Caught in the Web.

I had some requests lined up so next week after the standard we will have Heroic HoX, VoD, MA, LoB and LE Temple of the Deathwyrm, Fire on Thunderpeak. Last 2 flagging will be provided right before doing Deathwyrm.


Well-known member
Last night we had 15 people that wanted to do Heroic Abbot raid. So, I guess that means I will be adding a 2nd Abbot raid to next week's standard start. We ran Heroic HoX, VoD, MA, LoB and a ToD after the standard starting lineup. We managed to sneak in an R1 MoD, DoJ and even a FoTP.

Next week for requests I have another DoJ (this will get someone enough runes for the item they want). Also had another request for Titan Raid again. Again, I have to tell everyone I run Raids that are level 30 and below. I join other peoples' cap raids since they are better at leading them then I am. If you want a raid run next week, send a message to Mornyngstar in game and I will add it to the list.

Edit: Added to the list is Heroic Shroud, Reaver's Fate and Deathwyrm for next Sunday.
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Well-known member
Last night we had 2 full groups for Abbot runs. Thank you, Jimmye, for starting the 2nd group while I was finishing up with the first. On the first Abbot run we had someone run across the right side of tiles trying to kill themselves to get back to the center platform. They ended up getting all the way across without trying, broke the Sarcophagus and then managed to die. After the standard run, we completed R1 DoJ (Rathalos' last run needed to get enough Runes for his item), Heroic Titan, Shroud, Reaver's Fate. We were unable to get to R1 Deathwyrm so on the lineup for next week is going to be R1 Deathwyrm and FoTP.