Can we get a skinny PDK?


Well-known member
It would be cool if that skinny/fat could be a body type option for humans and pdk and then maybe pdk would be different only in some few other options.

But it all depends on how hardcoded that is and how other visual options (facial) react to that body type change.


Well-known member
I rather like the half-elf faces. Their forebears on the other hand look like they took a couple whacks to the face with a skillet. The hair doesn't really fit the half-elf heads right though.

I do agree, it does look like PDK likes to pound them away at the Lonesome Tankard a little too much.

Fisto Mk I

Well-known member
PDK is ugly AF. I can't play one unless I wear a cosmetic that completely covers the body and face.
Like this Big Daddy?



Well-known member
Oh come on guys and gals...

Just make a Buzz Lightyear build and it will look totally natural.