Commendations of Heroism


New member
According to the wiki, these can only be gained from 2 Raid chests. ( and one for favour ).
Is there any other way to get these ?
( as I play with a small group - 3 others - of irl friends, hence have never done ( and probably never will ) any raids except for that Marketplace one when seriously overlevelled.

We've tried a couple, but either get (a) swarmed by the sheer number of mobs, or (b) have to split up and then are too few to succeed in the combats ( see a ).
If hirelings could be used in Raids, we might make a fist of it, but as it stands, we cannot.

PS: I'm really interested in the answer to the question, rather than justifying why I/we don't raid, but to head that one off at the pass, firstly, I personally have issues gaming with complete strangers, and secondly, previous experiences with attempting to join a Raid group (years ago) generally panned out as :
"have you done this before ?"

Thanks in advance.


Active member
Commendations of Heroism only drop in the 2 raids OP mentioned. Depending on your character build, the raids can be done short man or even solo. I joined a Caught in the Web raid on the social panel a couple years ago with a person doing Epic Normal. I was playing a two-hand fighting half-orc paladin and the other person eventually left but I was able to finish the raid by myself. There were like 6 chests or so and I got 2 of those Comm's and a few named weapons.


Active member
CitW for sure can be long and tedious to complete. FoT is much shorter and not the brutal sp drain guaranteed in CitW. Also, OP you could say that you are looking for a guide if you wanted to post for either of the raids. There are a lot of friendly people out there.


Well-known member
Also, with Caught in the Web, people often will join this riad in progress (which you can do yourself if you happen to see it running). Your group can start CITW on elite and if you decide at any point you want help, just put it in the LFM. It will only be a matter of time before some level 32 person that knows the raid joins your party and leads you through it.


Well-known member
Fall of Truth can be solo'ed no problem if you have a level 32 character. Atleast on Normal or Hard. You'll need a somewhat decent character to solo Elite. That's your best bet. If you throw up an LFM you may even get some passers. I did this guide a few months ago for the raid, it's a very easy raid in terms of mechanics:

Caught in the Web also drops coms and is also very solo'able but it's trickier and much longer so if you just want to farm coms of heroism, fall of truth is by far the best way to go. If you happen to be on Thelanis I am more than happy to help sometime.
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Well-known member
Interesting little known fact.
As far as I know (tested a long time go) CiTW does not lockout and does not fail.
So, except for Reaper can be re-entered if you wipe.
(Anna goes back to her altar if she dies.)


Tired Member
Dupeapalooza kinda brought an end to coms of heroism era...

Those raids were fun to farm back in the day, though.

Col Kurtz

Well-known member
CITW is a fun raid...just read up on the portal keepers before trying it...may save a ton of resources and time
According to the wiki, these can only be gained from 2 Raid chests. ( and one for favour ).
Is there any other way to get these ?
( as I play with a small group - 3 others - of irl friends, hence have never done ( and probably never will ) any raids except for that Marketplace one when seriously overlevelled.

We've tried a couple, but either get (a) swarmed by the sheer number of mobs, or (b) have to split up and then are too few to succeed in the combats ( see a ).
If hirelings could be used in Raids, we might make a fist of it, but as it stands, we cannot.

PS: I'm really interested in the answer to the question, rather than justifying why I/we don't raid, but to head that one off at the pass, firstly, I personally have issues gaming with complete strangers, and secondly, previous experiences with attempting to join a Raid group (years ago) generally panned out as :
"have you done this before ?"

Thanks in advance.

Others above me have already answered your question but I'd like to add that if you're on Thelanis, I solo or 3 man a lot of the older raids and you and your friends are more than welcome to join us. Super low-key and zero pressure to excel. We play to have fun and fun we have.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there.