Dragonborn breath dissapointment


Well-known member
A fire bomber isn't too bad there biggest problem heals can't be quikened and have to be hard locked buggy unreliable

Fire spec can use reborn in fire and ea mass cure mod for self healing that casts instantly and never fails and Wings

And EA soon can prr mrr debuff with the alchemist debuff spells caustic and voltaic

Flame pillars not bad cc either will based evoc dc physical cc with a fast cast time

And if they really did fix magma weapons to work with inevitable a little dps boost maybe get back what you can
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Well-known member
Yeah, fire is not bad, only is the meta is biased towards cold. But tiefling is a worse choice than dragonborn even for fire, race is too nerfed.


Well-known member
I know but sacrificing dps crits for survivability thats all if i had my empyrean back or 5 fire fil crits back i'd be happy enough

And with the new EA debuffing might be alot closer then before and Magma with Meltfang with Inevitable
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