Drunken & Dragons


Well-known member
Everytime I hear in the party chat, I got 153 reaper, or why are you playing a healer cleric no one needs those, or elite is for losers, or even, you should not play DDO if you are a first life, I take a shot of something so I do not get angered.

True story and actual comments in party chat multiple times at different days and party members.
what about the people who run more than r1 in herioc, then some bozo with no life and 500 reaper points joins and says "I dOnT nEeD rEaPeR xP sO wE sHoUlD rUn r1"


Murder Hobo
I love the “you should not play DDO if you are a first life” one.
So, nobody should ever start as a new player, play an alt, or play on HC server?