finishing move

Thought i would try a staff monk. the healing from finishing move looked promising.. but i cant figure out how to get it to always says i miss my chance. is it part of a chain of attacks ? No info is giving in the enhancement line. so far i have to rely on healpots cuz the mechanics elude me at the monment.


Well-known member

But the gist of it is, you have to do 3 elemental strikes in a row, and then you can do a finishing move. So if you quick key "fists of light" and "finishing move,"then do light-light-light, the finishing move icon will change to show "healing ki" and you can then click that.

There are a lot of things that mess up your finishing move though, so basically you want to do your 3 strikes uninterrupted by opening doors or such. The nice thing (once you have more ki and passive ki generation) is you don't actually have to HIT anything with your ki builders. So say, at the start of a quest, you could use water-light-water, and your finishing move quick key would change to "aligning the heavens" which gives everyone in the area -25% sp cost for spells for 1 min.


Well-known member
If you're missing your chance, you're hitting the finisher button TOO quickly after you get the combo. Confusing error text, I know.