How often you can edit your Thread Headers?

I'm Curious how often we can edit thread headers ?? It seems like i was able to edit one of my post not too long ago with the thread header. More of wondering was the ability turned off or is it a timed event.

Would like to know is it every 4 months etc ?


Mortanis Way / D”s Iron Orien


Community Manager
At the moment I don't think the general usergroup can edit thread headers, so if you need a thread title changed you can message me and I can do it. I've looked into the permission sets and at the moment I can't grant thread title changes without allowing other thread editing permissions I don't want to grant, like editing other people's posts, but I'm looking into it.

The Blonde

Catalogues Bugs
Huh, I could swear we used to be able to change post titles. But now that I tried, it indeed seems like we can't. Weird.
Am I thinking of the old forums maybe?