List of content with instakill mechanics or notable ways to easily die


Well-known member
Been a while since it's happened to me but pretty sure that falling off the bridges in House K will kill you. So careful with your autorun.


New member
The wiki doesn't mention it, but I've seen deaths from the mysterious fountains in the boarderlands. I think they have a small chance to finger of death instead of a random buff, but I'll have to verify that on softcore.
The fountain in the Feywild has at least one very nasty effect: a friend of mine decided to drink from it and immediately swirling blades appeared and killed him. :( I was standing nearby and they hit me, too. I survived, but I lost about half my hit points. Since then, I have decided not only to avoid drinking from fountains, but also to avoid standing near anyone who decides to do so.


Well-known member
Level 3 quests that are notorious:
- swim at your own risk, most often a party member will break the barrels just for their kicks... while you are standing on it.


Being in the Pally room in PoP if you're the wrong alignment. Lost a wizzie last season because he went with the Paladin going to do the talkin.


Well-known member
Updated OP. I don't have time right now to test every one of these so please let me know of any errors.
Even if a couple of them wont actually kill you just high damage .. better safe than sorry, as they say!

The Indiana Jones boulder in Undermine has quite a few humanoid shaped stains on it.


Well-known member
More generalised:
- Flesh render enemies have vorpal claws.
- Beholders will hit you with multiple negative levels in short order as well as using disintegrate which you'll be more likely to fail your save against thanks to the negative levels. Death ward spells will be dispelled so it won't protect you.
- High ability damage will make you helpless, which doesn't instakill you but you can't do anything except run. Except if your STR is reduced to 0 & you're carrying a lot of gear, then you can't run away either. And CON damage makes you more vulnerable to instakills as well as reducing your HP. Kopru & spectral beholders are particularly notorious for stat drain, shadow enemies can drain STR, vampire enemies will drain CON.
- Mind flayers will instakill you if they use their brain slurp after stunning you. If you're warforged, they'll throw it up again, which might give some small consolation.
- If you're warforged, every single attack from a rust monster has a chance to stun you. DC fairly low, but it can be nasty at low levels.


Well-known member
I was curious so went into House K just now and was not able to find a way to fall into the chasm. Invisible walls everywhere.
It's been a long time since it's happened to me so they may have changed it since then. That's probably for the best.

Lost Leader

New member
Couple that come to mind:
Mephit optional ending in Genesis Point, falling between the bridges is instant death.
The pit door trap in Haunted Halls of Eveningstar is insta kill
Attack on Summerfield, Yenar, the medusa that can spawn near the fountain, has an instakill.
I was running past the fountain, never saw her and BOOM!
Happened so quick, it startled me.

Frieling Slyhand

Well-known member
Pixies in Feywild have a prismatic spell that can instakill. I went from 300 hp to -1 in Immortality Lessons. Be sure to have a deathblock item.