Nightrevel Clicky Candies

Fisto Mk I

Well-known member
Almond-Coated Shadow Apple
+5 Festive Bonus to Melee, Ranged Power and Universal Spell Power for 20 seconds.

Darkswirl Caramel Bite
+10 Festive Bonus to PRR for 20 seconds.

Almond Shadow-Spice Candy
+10 Festive Bonus to MRR for 20 seconds.

Sweet Cinnamon Cloud
+5 Festive bonus to dodge (doesn't say how long)

All disappear sometime in 2024
All have 2 min cooldown
Useless garbage.


Well-known member
I would also prefer longer duration.

5 min uptime would be "sweet" even if it means a 10 min cooldown.


The People's Champion
I take it back, it's unlimited uses until it expires and not a one time use consumable. The price is alright for that.

Previously: I just saw the price on the candy this year. I assumed they'd be cheap given the buffs people posted, but they're way overpriced for a 20s buff. They should be sold for a handful of chocolate and not the other mats
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Well-known member
If you do not feel the candies are your flavor of choice this year, I would strongly advise not spending time farming for them nor spending the candies you have on them! It sounds like many of you would prefer to do something else with that time and those ingredients this time around, and the very best thing you can do in that situation is follow that gut instinct. Flavors may be different next time around. ;)
Thanks for confirming my instinct that there's no need for me to spend time playing your game for this.

Granted, I don't understand why you'd spend what limited dev time you have as a team designing something that's not worth peoples' time. I thought the point of adding new things to the game was to encourage as many people as possible to actually play the game, but you do you.


Well-known member
Who put drain-o in these candies ? They make me nauseous!!,

Short duration really bites.

Kinda rotten really.

Left a terrible taste in my mouth.

Coulda been much better.

A trick, not a treat.

I’m going to Willie Wonkas instead. At least he has golden tickets.



Well-known member
Almond-Coated Shadow Apple
+5 Festive Bonus to Melee, Ranged Power and Universal Spell Power for 20 seconds.

Darkswirl Caramel Bite
+10 Festive Bonus to PRR for 20 seconds.

Almond Shadow-Spice Candy
+10 Festive Bonus to MRR for 20 seconds.

Sweet Cinnamon Cloud
+5 Festive bonus to dodge (doesn't say how long)

All disappear sometime in 2024
All have 2 min cooldown
Wow, they have lost their minds on that. What sane person is going to bother with a 20 second duration buffs that are so minor?

If they are going to be that absurdly short, they need to be on par with action boosts. That is a hard pass from me, waste of inventory space.


Well-known member
I will get a couple to try, and reserve most of my judgement till then, but right now it sounds pretty terrible.

Maybe an hour was too much, but a minute with a 5 minute cool down would have seemed far more reasonable than 20 seconds usage.


Avatar of Jell-O
“We did this one thing that’s different than usual. We hope you like it, but It’s okay if you don’t because it is very different. We’re still going to keep the rest of the game the way it usually is.” -cool
“We made crappy loot and if you don’t like it, that’s okay because you can just skip the event.” -not cool

I hope you can see the difference.


The Best
If you do not feel the candies are your flavor of choice this year, I would strongly advise not spending time farming for them nor spending the candies you have on them! It sounds like many of you would prefer to do something else with that time and those ingredients this time around, and the very best thing you can do in that situation is follow that gut instinct. Flavors may be different next time around. ;)
I already did farm for them, not much a problem since the quests give XP anyway...
20 second buffs X4 is ridiculously cumbersome and sadly more trouble than they are worth.

The NAUSEOUS effect you get that immobilizes you for 20 seconds if you use too often is SADISTIC.

If the objective was to entertain me you failed. No need to wait until they expire, I'm trashing all 4 candies tonight.
The old candy was 100x better. If it ain't broke, don't break it.

Jack Jarvis Esquire

Well-known member
If you do not feel the candies are your flavor of choice this year, I would strongly advise not spending time farming for them nor spending the candies you have on them! It sounds like many of you would prefer to do something else with that time and those ingredients this time around, and the very best thing you can do in that situation is follow that gut instinct. Flavors may be different next time around. ;)
I don't take the game too seriously, as it is, after all, a game. So I do appreciate the pithy humour here Steel. Gave me a wee chuckle! 😁👍

I don't think you have to look too far to see it's not landed particularly well with others though, but YMMV and all that. 👍

I'll be following your advice and not participating this time around. Not because of any offence taken, but just because, as you put it, I don't like the flavours this year. Looking forward to rotting my virtual teeth and gut next time around then... 🤪


aka Cybersquirt
It took some time, but they managed to put the SSG stamp on the most universally loved event in the game.
Uh.. the "Risia Ice Games" were older, IIRC.. Ice games were introduced in 2010. They (SSG) learned if you give ingredients a shelf life . . .

eta: ...speaking of old ingredients you can post at AH/SE ...
And Ice Games were about the last remnants of Turbine, no?


New member
Read the release notes and got excited the candies returned. Got in game and quickly became disappointed. I will still do the night revels though, because that xp is too good to say no to.

On a side note. I miss when the chocolates and keys would just go into your inventory.


Well-known member
At least is is a quick way for a new player to get a fast mount. And the gloomy restoration pots are nice.
Other than that nothing to write home about.
They will take an extra 4 spots in your bank or your backpacks. Not sure there is a practical use otherwise.


Well-known member
If you do not feel the candies are your flavor of choice this year, I would strongly advise not spending time farming for them nor spending the candies you have on them! It sounds like many of you would prefer to do something else with that time and those ingredients this time around, and the very best thing you can do in that situation is follow that gut instinct. Flavors may be different next time around. ;)
with great ego comes great disappointment


Players Council 2015
No one wants these, if you played the game you wouldn't want them either.

Constructive criticism:

  • Very short 20 second duration.
    The effects are too weak to even consider at this low of a duration.
    I wouldn't use an inventory slot for duration under an hour for these.
  • 2 minute cooldown.
    Double the duration is the highest acceptable cooldown for non-Epic Moment power abilities.
  • EXTREMELY minor effects.
    +5 Melee/Ranged Power, +10 PRR/MRR, +5 Dodge are all too low to be noticeable or useful to anyone.
  • Dev response.
    'I would strongly advise not spending time(on the event)' and 'do something else with that time' are not helpful but angering.
Red Reaper's Steed cost:
  • 240/240/240/240/240
    Recoloring already existing models is the laziest thing possible besides doing nothing and you want us to spend 5x as much for this?
    You should've had every color that you can get for the Cosmetic Armor (Green,Purple,Red,Yellow).
    The price should be the same for all, 120 maximum.
    Grinding out 240 of each is extremely tedious.
  • Totally random.
    The graveyard end chest should have 1d4 keys on top of whatever you get from fighting the undead.
    It's ridiculous to kill everything and get 0 keys.


Active member
What I don't understand is how, as a game dev, you can design something and think "this feels about right". And then, when you later decide that it was perhaps a little too overpowered, you don't simply adjust it by 10% or 20%, but rather by many magnitudes.

That goes for the cost of the new steed, the now-not-worth-using candies, and many abilities and effects that have been nerfed into oblivion over the years.
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