One requested 'tweak' to the after party


Well-known member
This is just a small simple suggestion.
When an HCL season is done, skip the flashy lights thing.
Just put a notice in the global chat - HCL is Complete, thank you for playing, and please transfer your characters at your earliest
convenience. The HCL server will shut down 1 week prior to the next event which will happen in 'fill in number' Days.
and just leave it up until 7 days prior to the new season. (or 10 days or however long it takes to prep for the next season)
Then folks that only play HCL can do their thing until the next event is ready.
Folks who procrastinate have more time to transfer toons.
Anyone who is curious when the next event starts can just log into that server and check the counter on days left before the next event.
