Sarlona, long time neighbors!


Well-known member
...betrayal at krondor,...
Cya around neighbours ;)
A blast from the past :) I loved the Moredhel chest riddles :)

BtW: I'm Buddha5440. I've been around since about 2010, on and off, and have been playing D&D since the mid eighties. (Along with MUD's (shout-out to TrinityTurtle for mentioning those...good times :) ). While I love DDO, I hope the new forums will be a place of less "Trolling" and more honest, factual discussion about the game.

While I rarely logon to Sarlona anymore (main is Thelanis), I do have a small guild Lv 28 (The Chaotic Regime) that is nowadays just me if anyone wants it (send me a message on the forums as it may be weeks/months until I log there again).

Happy gaming all :)
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Since 2007 "We're supposed to know stuff??"
Umm... ok, since the torch is being passed along for Canadians ( Canucks as we call ourselves lol ) I'll join the relay.
Hi All,
I'm Littlemama,
Lived and homestead' in the far north west of the Canadian Great White North and now am retired in the mid Eastern dregs of Ontario.

Been on DDO since it first came online, (I think 2006) so, dang, 17 years has passed? Is my math adding up correctly??

My bro's dragged me into the game when they pushed me to join them in this newfangled rpg type thinger game.
Started off with my wizards and fighters and healers then got hooked.
Only one of my bro's plays now and then and only solo's. I like to solo a lot too.

So, I did have a few very short wee breaks but kept on playing.
I have to say DDO has come a LONG way since back in the day in content and stuffs.

As a kid, a friend did try to introduce me to dungeons and dragons, but then we moved and never really met anyone else interested so I kinda forgot about it until I came aboard DDO. We were too poor for me to play any other fancy games so once I had time to enjoy mmo, stayed with DDO.

My current main toon 'Littlemama Whooopass' was actually not my main toon back in the day, she grew more as my main around 2016, before then I was known more as my toon Lemuria, (people called me 'Lem' back then) or Whitebuffalo, etc. I still have my old alts. I like trying different classes and testing out new stuffs. Have made many good friends in Sarlona. :giggle:
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Well-known member
Hi all - Deeday here, long time reader/first-time poster. Started 2007; think I created Deeday in 2009 and he's been my main since. Long time D&D geek. I received the Red Box edition for my 10th birthday, and have been immersed since. All four of my children have played DDO and two are active on Sarlona. I'm certain I've run with each of you and (to the best of my knowledge) I don't think I've been squelched yet! Good hunting!
Well I guess if this ol' gimp is coming out of retirement to post...
I'm Edrein or Ed as I usually get called. Most of you all know me, I've been around for ages. Been a hot minute since I've ran with some of you (Deeday) but it's good to see you all are still around in one way or another.


Dirgesinger Bard of Sarlona
Well I guess if this ol' gimp is coming out of retirement to post...
I'm Edrein or Ed as I usually get called. Most of you all know me, I've been around for ages. Been a hot minute since I've ran with some of you (Deeday) but it's good to see you all are still around in one way or another.
Nice to finally find ya Ed!


New member
Cimuyam of the Fighting Clowns main toon on Sarlona. Been playing since 2009 while deployed to Rota Spain. Also in California, but hail from a much better state. First post ever.


New member
hey im pezlie, from california. been playing since max lvl was 10. well on and off - ive recently come back (again). started my own guild for the 1st time (Angels of the wall). always on sarlona unless hardcore season is out. remember the mimics killing everybody? good times.
i apologize, i usually play stoned. which it makes the game so much funner / harder
I love pen and paper, been playing dnd since i was 9. nothing like getting yer friends together face to face


Well-known member
hey im pezlie, from california. been playing since max lvl was 10. well on and off - ive recently come back (again). started my own guild for the 1st time (Angels of the wall). always on sarlona unless hardcore season is out. remember the mimics killing everybody? good times.
i apologize, i usually play stoned. which it makes the game so much funner / harder
I love pen and paper, been playing dnd since i was 9. nothing like getting yer friends together face to face
I loved the mimic season, my group finished that year WAY early and I just lingred collecting mimic tokens. LOL I love the mimic event. It causes hilarity like way back when I first got a taste for epics (remember when it was JUST epic?) and was trying to convince Coddex and Jimmy epics were fun! and forgot the mimic event was on and opened the chest and they got eaten. LOL I still get ribbed for that one despite killing the mimic in vengance and ressing them. :)


New member
I'm Rafiqy, been around for a long time but have been known to take long breaks from the game. The role I'm known best for is soul stone. I am based out of western Virginia and almost exclusively PUG when I play.


Well-known member
I'm Turtle, from Ohio but grew up in New Jersey. You can never under the Jersey! LOL (Hint: those people from Jersey Shore were mostly from New York, we don't act like that, i have no idea if people from New York actually act like that). I started playing Dungeons and Dragons in 1982 (I was 10) when the boys upstairs got it. And fell immediately in love with the game, and after they moved looked for other people to play with and realize I have been playing this game forever now. LOL A lot of my best memories are d&D weekends camping on the beach, with glow in the dark dice so you can see them in the dying firelight. LOL Or when you drop them on the sand in the evening. Sand castle maps for minis were awesome fun.

My first multi-player experiences were the text based MUDS (Ah, Abandoned Fate, you were so much fun, I still miss the friendships I made in there) and then my first graphical mmo was something called The Realm. It was really simple compared to now, but it was fun and the first I'd ever seen. I'm more of a single player game experience lover (Elder Scrolls, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Sims, etc) but I did fall kinda hard for DDO, which I started in 2009 the day it went free to play as my husband was a victim of the layoffs going around that time. I needed something to fill the time as we turned off all non-essential things (lucky me you can't jobs without the internet anymore!) and DDO delivered. I made friends that first year I still play with (Waves to Dre and Jimmy). Stlll don't miss those stupid leveling sigils. LOL

I'm a friendly sort of turtle that hangs out on Sarlona (and Hardcore during the seasons, one of my personal points of pride was conquring my attention defecit issues to the point I have succeeded in getting my level 20/5k favor rewards in seaons 3, 4, 5,6, and 7. :) I like pushing myself and trying to conquer things, as Coddex (my husband) and Dre will whine about as I'm making them do r5's every life now to appease my appetite to do harder and harder things. LOL We are doing things on open public groups a lot, if you see one posted by Turtel or Coddex feel free to join us. We just like offering mid level reaper to those who may not get a lotta shots at it because we're able to. We won't get mad if you die or make a mistake, we'll just heal you and move on with it! Everyone welcome who has a nice attitude and friendly behavior regardless of game skill.
LOL i'm from upstate NY we def dont act like that. I also live in Ohio now. Hi Nimvind Vallhanna, Belladonae, Ariananrhod here. After moving to Ohio I met Timmius who showed me the ropes in ddo for a couple years. We did several raids on our own for a while. Started LFM raids about 2 years ago and welcome all nice, non zerging, no man left behind, new players to our raids. We pass most things as we just play for the fun and thrill of it. We dont have a channel and just speak within ddo no discord channel so everyone can participate in voice chat if they would like. We like to keep it simple read our groups and play at appropriate diffulcties so everyone can experience a win and a chance at loot at the end of the night. Always glad to see you join our groups and appreciate your help :)


Melee Artificer Freak
I am Zvdegor Devzevor, from Hungary. Playing DDO since 2009. Started on Wayfinder but switched to Sarlona around 2015.
My special charasteristic is I am a melee artificer lover. Got my own build and cant stop it playing 🙃
I always put up lfm for r6 daily runs to help people leveling and/or get some rxp.
Lots of great people here on Sarlona!


Well-known member
LOL i'm from upstate NY we def dont act like that. I also live in Ohio now. Hi Nimvind Vallhanna, Belladonae, Ariananrhod here. After moving to Ohio I met Timmius who showed me the ropes in ddo for a couple years. We did several raids on our own for a while. Started LFM raids about 2 years ago and welcome all nice, non zerging, no man left behind, new players to our raids. We pass most things as we just play for the fun and thrill of it. We dont have a channel and just speak within ddo no discord channel so everyone can participate in voice chat if they would like. We like to keep it simple read our groups and play at appropriate diffulcties so everyone can experience a win and a chance at loot at the end of the night. Always glad to see you join our groups and appreciate your help :)
Are you anywhere near Sidney? If you are Coddex(my husband who specializes in keeping his kamikaze turtle alive) and I aren't above having dinner with fellow DDO players (and applicable spouses/kidlets). :)


Well-known member
Are you anywhere near Sidney? If you are Coddex(my husband who specializes in keeping his kamikaze turtle alive) and I aren't above having dinner with fellow DDO players (and applicable spouses/kidlets). :)
LOL are we talking aquatic turtles because I have one of those her name is LT (little turtle) even though she is MUCH bigger now. we are about 3 hrs away more near Cleveland. Are you on the Sarlona server?


Well-known member
LOL are we talking aquatic turtles because I have one of those her name is LT (little turtle) even though she is MUCH bigger now. we are about 3 hrs away more near Cleveland. Are you on the Sarlona server?
Yuppers, look for Waterssong/Turtel/Tortoisse on Sarlona. :) I used to have a red eared slider named Squirtle, I still miss my little turtle buddy. But I meant me in the poor husband trying to keep my kamikaze turtle bonzai behaviors in check. LOL But if you don't throw yourself madly at all the things how do you know what you can live through? :)


Well-known member
Yuppers, look for Waterssong/Turtel/Tortoisse on Sarlona. :) I used to have a red eared slider named Squirtle, I still miss my little turtle buddy. But I meant me in the poor husband trying to keep my kamikaze turtle bonzai behaviors in check. LOL But if you don't throw yourself madly at all the things how do you know what you can live through? :)
How cool! I have had two sliders 1st was Turtalee (since passed but had her 35 years) and the second is little turtle, LT (about 15 years old now). If you cant tell I suck at naming pets lol. I have even named cats mew, kitten, buddy, and sister because she was sister to monster who was named as such because she was the monster under the bed that would attack your shoes when you were putting clothes away lol. Def look for our raids always a good time. We have been building some new alts so having been raiding as much as in the past but try to on saturdays and sundays 5pm ET. Look for Timmius or Timeroo lfm's.

Lango Lango

New member

Im Lango Lango! Im from Brazil and used to play this game maybe..... 10 or 11y ago, just when MoTU was coming on (bought the exp, IRL issues) and took a break till now january 2023! Having fun as back in those days where Shroud/amarath were end game hahahahh.

Would like to thanks all of u being kind and patient with having me along in this "relearning the game journey"!


my main is Zakrom and mostly play with him.
I'm from Italy and playing DDO since around 2010.
my gf made me try the game and we loved it being tr partners for years.
we have been in a small Italian guild for the past decade.
lately she's no longer playing and guild was left to me only. So I moved to the knights of ancient dragon guild where I feel very good!

GrayJedi AntiProPaladin

Well-known member

GrayJedi/GreyJedi ...from a neighboring server/world tho but I pop on here every so often
presently a hella casual player (with ADHD) so hop around quite a bit bcuz...
I like to "travel the world(s) and the seven seas Eight Servers-Worlds" (or 9 sometimes for HC or Lam) bcuz it's kinda like "Sweet Dreams (Are made of This" Fantasy for me LOLz


Hi all, I'm Chris and like @Gimp-1 I'm a hUmble Brag transplant from Ghallanda. I'm enjoying Sarlona. I don't pug very much but I play a lot. I have a few "Mains" but Aniimus is the oldest and is also my discord handle. I'm originally from Maryland but I've relocated to the Gulf Coast of Mississippi in the last couple years after meeting my wife in DDO.

I was a huge D&D player since the 70s but as I've gotten older all of my old D&D friends have scattered and gotten busy. I've been playing DDO since preorder (still have to destroy the necklace of natural armor every TR 🙄) with a couple short breaks. DDO is now my only D&D fix.

Other "main" alts: Begas, Caratesha, Korikash, Qwertie
About 10 other B (geared but low past lives) level characters that I break out occasionally if I want to play something different.

Aniimus (Chris)


aka Cybersquirt
Hi all. I'm Jen, a long time (2006) player and inheritor of The foundation, a founder's Guild, when that meant something. I got 26 alts and I ain't a dude, but I am a bro. :cool:

***BTW, if any older founderlings come back and find you were kicked, PLEASE let me (Henkle/Jyrta, etc) know. It's my only real game regret.
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Well-known member
Hi all, I'm Chris and like @Gimp-1 I'm a hUmble Brag transplant from Ghallanda. I'm enjoying Sarlona. I don't pug very much but I play a lot. I have a few "Mains" but Aniimus is the oldest and is also my discord handle. I'm originally from Maryland but I've relocated to the Gulf Coast of Mississippi in the last couple years after meeting my wife in DDO.

I was a huge D&D player since the 70s but as I've gotten older all of my old D&D friends have scattered and gotten busy. I've been playing DDO since preorder (still have to destroy the necklace of natural armor every TR 🙄) with a couple short breaks. DDO is now my only D&D fix.

Other "main" alts: Begas, Caratesha, Korikash, Qwertie
About 10 other B (geared but low past lives) level characters that I break out occasionally if I want to play something different.

Aniimus (Chris)
Heya Gimp, pretty sure you've joined our DOTA raids. We just tr'd Val but we will be back in a week or two look for new raid nights shortly fyi this is Vallhanna :)