Server merge


Well-known member
It has been stated that the Developers can not do a server merge and keep everyone happy.
But the game still needs a server merge.
--- Perhaps a gradual shift?
Create 3 new mega servers - Asia, Americas, Europe
Allow anyone to transfer toons there for free.
Restrict brand-new accounts to only those 3 servers.
Allow guild leaders in older servers to turn in their guild ships to a vendor for a refund in
shards they can spend in the new server to repurchase the ship.
Restrict transfers from the HCL event to the new servers only.
Turn off periotic events on the old servers.
Do not put updates on the old servers (just bug fixes)
----------- Over time, the problem will fix itself.
Will this make people happy? Hell no.
Will it get the job done? yes.
Is it feasible for the Developers to do this? yes.
These are the main points, it needs to be done, it is possible from a technical stand point this way
and it is fair as possible.
Also, if you want no part of it, fine ... just keep playing on your old server, just don't expect new content.
Got a better idea? cool, post it.
The main purpose of this thread is to at least recognize the 'elephant in the room'
this game needs a server merge, years ago.
Let the debate begin, but do keep it civil ... thxs.


5000+ hours played
If SSG wanted mega servers, SSG could get players pay for transfers and the players would be thrilled with it. How? Create servers with new rulesets: BtA raid loot, BtCoE for all other gear, static XP bonus and/or group XP bonus, improved chances of named loot in a chest, improved chances of mythic/reaper bonuses -- the list of possibilities is long. It's silly to have eight servers of all the same ruleset.


Well-known member
The revenue model is a huge road block, and they arent backing off from that at this point.

Things people paid for at server level, including but not limited to guild boats and astral shards, arent coming with you on a transfer.

Currently TR caches don't come with on a transfer.

I want to see them work through all that and make it happen. It hasnt budged an inch in quite some time, and these requests appear several times per year.


Well-known member
Mounts and cosmetic pets wouldn't transfer either. I would be really sad to lose my 60+ cosmetic pets that way. If I had to start my guild back at level 1 to get better LFMs, that wouldn't bother me. Thinking about how fast the guild levels go up on HC and any loss of buffs is very short-lived. it's the things that take far more time that I would be sad to lose.
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DDO Gaming

Well-known member
It has been stated that the Developers can not do a server merge and keep everyone happy.
But the game still needs a server merge.
--- Perhaps a gradual shift?
Create 3 new mega servers - Asia, Americas, Europe
Isn't that the way the servers were originally setup? The non-viable ones were then shutdown and the current set are the survivors


Well-known member
They did a voluntary migration earlier this year. If that's what you want, then merge yourself to that server because that's as good as it's gonna get, everyone who wanted a merged server is already there.

Forcing players who don't want to merge onto a new server isn't going to help your LFMs anyway


This is not the title you're looking for
Same here! Also.... the monster manual will be screwed up when transferring... they should fix that as well.
Agreed. I lost pets, mounts, AS that had to be used for not-so-useful things, had to rebuy guild ship and amenities, and to top it off, my MM is now bugged for most of the mob types. Yeah, server transfers really need some work before we can think of real merges.


Well-known member
They did a voluntary migration earlier this year. If that's what you want, then merge yourself to that server because that's as good as it's gonna get, everyone who wanted a merged server is already there.

Forcing players who don't want to merge onto a new server isn't going to help your LFMs anyway
It wasn't even intended as a means of mass migration, transfers were just broken to two servers at the end of hardcore so free transfers were opened up to those two servers for the sake of people from those servers being unable to bring over their HC chars.
Players took advantage of the fact and the entire mass migration has caused so many issues it's likely any intent or plans ssg had for server consolidation have been thrown out the window or pushed back 5 years.


Well-known member
Nope, negative, nay, opt out.

Whatever server you are on, if nothing but the population changes, lag will increase. Period. End of Line...

I play mainly on the least populated server of them all and there is virtually zero lag. If there is even a lag spike of more that 2 seconds that is a cause for gasps. It like catching a glimpse of Bigfoot.

Back when the unofficial server merge happened I rolled up a character on the server and the lag was very bad by my standards. So much so that I would stop playing if I had to deal with it often.


Well-known member
I was going to transfer one of my main toons over to Orien as i really struggle with Live and i prefer to play in a group as a team rather than playing solo (or in a party with one person with multiple past lives who destroys all the enemies while the rest of us struggle to keep up). I thought joining Orien with everyone else would hopefully bring back the old days of grouping (with a bigger server population).

Thankfully just as i was about to transfer a toon over, i saw a thread on the forum complaining about the Lag. So I decided to go have a look before transferring (i have a couple of favour toons on all the servers). The Lag really was as bad as people made out in the forums. That stopped me from transferring over.

Whenever a new thread appears about a mega server i realize its no longer feasible for this game. I would love to be proven wrong and a Mega-server introduced with lag free gaming. But i really think that ship has sailed for this game.

Not sure what the Lag is like now on Orien but to be honest.

When the Developers said a Mega-server is no longer possible, i unfortunately completely agree with them.


Well-known member
The only way lag gets worse due to amount of HW resources is if SSG has an old "server = closed hardware" solution that pre-dates EQ and OSRS. With instanced content, if you have same/similar people using the same allocated instance with the same/similar allocated HW resources, then same/similar lag will be experienced. It doesn't matter if those instances all originated from same "server," or from 20 different "servers."

Is SSG rockin some early 2000s blade servers, where one HW "server" is a closed solution for Thelanis and another different blade is the closed solution for Sarlona etc...or did they join the modern world at some point when they "upgraded" their host provider a few years ago?

This has literally zero to do with the era the game was created in. There are late 90s MMOs on some VMs nowdays.


Well-known member
8 servers for 1500 population is ridiculous. Merge them soon. Also dump the current useless cloud provider you are using and move to AWS.


Well-known member
I seriously doubt the hardware is the limiting factory. More than likely it is the engine itself. Running it on the newest hardware would not suddenly make the engine work better.

No company it going to risk there entire business on old hardware. There would be not warranty same or next business day part replacement. I am sure they are running on decent hardware. Not like it is only used to run a website that only get a 1000 hits a day. This is their entire business.

There have been other games that were designed around slow, by todays standards, internet speeds that did not scale well to everyone having 200+ Mbps or Gigabit speeds. This means that more data is hitting the stack than originally designed.

What is a Programming Stack? A technology stack comprises a bundle of tools, frameworks, technologies, and languages.

Running on a FIFO (First In First Out) basis so this large influx of data has to be buffered (i.e. Lag) and allowed to catch up or dropped. If dropped, things like attacks spells, etc. are as if they never happened and if you are moving the positing data packets, once the server gets them suddenly realized you are someplace else and sends the update back to the client resulting in you jumping forward in a flash.

This is all speculation based on 30+ years working with server farms and application development.