Thorn Bloom spell and SLA fails with quicken!

Cesaro - Tandy

Active member
Bug Report Number:
The Thorn Bloom spell and SLA fails with quicken! Please fixed! if this spell was not supose to use quicken, then remove this option from them.
The spell is casted but often doesn't do any damage, its like the spell failed.


Well-known member
I don't think quicken is at fault, but it does fail a lot.

Seems to happen more often if I jump, or terrain is uneven. Maybe a better z-axis hitbox is needed.

Also it doesn't accept Heighten (neither does Thorn Spray), but it (they both) should.


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Yeah, noticed a lot of fails also. A shame, it's a nice spell when it works. But uneven terrain messes with a lot of abilities...


Came to report it. Others were quicker. Thorn Bloom fails about 50% of the time for me. Works a little better if standing still and on flat terrain... but the spell is not working correctly.


The People's Champion
If you have quicken toggled on it, it'll fail. If you apply quicken globally, it'll work okay. Kinda like Meteor Swarm...


Well-known member
Still fails often with global quicken. I turn Quicken on at level 1 and never turn it off, nor apply it to anything individually.