Update Haunted Halls of Eveningstar!


Well-known member
Haunted Halls is an iconic D&D module, and it's executed well in DDO. Well-done modules - esp famous pnp modules - help the DDO brand. But it suffers from a few issues that result in it rarely being run anymore. Suggestions:

1. Increase the XP. There are only 3 level 28 quests in the game, and all of them have bad xp. You could double the xp this quest grants and it would still be on the low side for how long it takes to complete.
-Also set the duration modifier to "Very Long" (thus boosting the rxp), because it is.

2. Fork a Legendary version. There are already two alternate modes for this quest and each exists as its own standalone quest afaik; I suggest:
- Make the Standard version into a clone of the L28 Extended version, such that non-extended no longer exists.
- Re-scale the current Extended Version of the quest into an L35? quest (not expecting this to happen before the level cap increases).
- Commentary version can just remain as-is? Idk if it's worth the work to fork an additional legendary mirror of it. Personally ambivalent either way.

3. Revamp the loot, with both epic and legendary items. Get rid of the Black Stone upgrade system. There are only ~10 items that drop in this quest, so this shouldn't take overly long - especially if you get rid of the Black Stone system, negating the need for multiple versions of the same item and their upgrade recipes (and afaik this system is incompatible with mythic/reaper bonuses, so all the more reason to discard it).
Upvote 6


0. Make the Crests drop on the bone pile near the entrance when you die, like in a pit of instant death.
0.1 Make sure this change does NOT revert.


Well-known member
This one (all 3) has been on my daily list for epic leveling for many years. It is my favorite style of quest: although the list of main objectives is very short there are so many different routes to take and optional objectives that can be done. Depending on your characters abilities it will route through the quest differently. The party can split to cover more ground. It can take a couple minutes or a couple hours. There are very few quests like this; most other quests are just a "straight line."


aka Cybersquirt
Personally I am against making legendary content out of stuff that's already epic. I very much disliked what they did with Chronoscope.

I'm all for the loot being updated though.
I'm all for them making more content that one can play (WITHOUT PENALTY) after one becomes Legendary and realizes what the means afa Questing and Experience penalties. And forget Reaper :ROFLMAO:

*There are some serious level/xp holes.. v.noticable in high Epic. Heroics look awesome though!


Active member
This is easily my favourite quest in the game, a huge sprawling dungeon crawl with tonnes of optionals and loads of orange-named mini boss mobs that make it a superb place to quest on double remnant weekends for rem chests.

I'd honestly love a heroic version of it though, say about lvl 14-15 to run alongside the three quests that lead in to the Wheloon storyline.

The Narc

Well-known member
Hmmm I feel this is a, "If it's not broke, don't fix it" scenrario.
I tend to agree with this, currently this quest works without bugs, if the make any changes it could cause bugs, so i say dont change anything(i mean i guess they could update the loot as long as it didnt chamge any in quest mechanics).


Well-known member
I tend to agree with this, currently this quest works without bugs, if the make any changes it could cause bugs, so i say dont change anything(i mean i guess they could update the loot as long as it didnt chamge any in quest mechanics).
I agree. It would be great if the named items were adjusted to current level of play, but not at the expense of bugging one of the best quests in the game. If the loot can be adjusted without harm to the quest and without introducing bugs I'm for it, but I still have a gut feeling Haunted Halls should be left alone for now.

Working on making Expedition to Barrier Peaks instead.


aka Cybersquirt
ALL Old Quests need upgrades to loot, (before they eff with something like tumble again TY for the attempts but NTY!)