VIP perks suggestion: Separate VIP only server(s) with max capacity of 250 accounts

Col Kurtz

Well-known member
STO has multiple instances(ddo does too, but you never see them unless it's hardcore usually) the only laggy instances in STO are the ones that are close maxed out with 29+ players. We see well over 100 instances some days during early days of new events. So clearly there's servers that can handle 3k + people. Anyone from any instance can join que's or teams on any other instance.


Former Captain Of The Rotten Shark


Olde Wurm
The potential problem with a "premium" server is it does not guarantee a lag free experience (or even a more minimal lag experience). If you want a premium server that offers up something different from the other ones... that's fine (hard-core or lard-core as examples). I just hope you're okay with lag on your premium server as well because a different server most likely is not going to fix DDO's most infamous issue (next to tumble that is...:sneaky:)

Col Kurtz

Well-known member
The potential problem with a "premium" server is it does not guarantee a lag free experience (or even a more minimal lag experience). If you want a premium server that offers up something different from the other ones... that's fine (hard-core or lard-core as examples). I just hope you're okay with lag on your premium server as well because a different server most likely is not going to fix DDO's most infamous issue (next to tumble that is...:sneaky:)
distance to the server is huge

if you ever joined a private european server on ARK , while playing in know exactly what I mean


Olde Wurm
That is another argument altogether (latency). It doesn't sound like they're going to be putting up any EU servers anytime soon (or anything on the west coast for that matter). :confused:


Well-known member
Let us have a minimal lag-free environment until you decide how to fix or make the game lag-free. Playing step-by-step in Orien on weekend/long holidays/events is getting frustrating.
This game.will always have lag. It will never go away. It is an old game, with many underlying issues.

When the game went down, like alot of people I either played other games or tried out different games.

All the newer games I tried are very smooth without lag. Most of the games I did not like though and quickly Uninstalled. Some though I will definitely keep playing.

If you are a person that loves DDO like me, ultimately you will have to stomach the lag until you don't want to deal with it.

If there was a magic wave to make the game lag free they would have waved if by now.


5000+ hours played
The potential problem with a "premium" server is it does not guarantee a lag free experience (or even a more minimal lag experience).
If you want a lag-free experience, DDO isn't the game for you. Plenty of great multiplayer online games out there where lag is minimal to non-existent, like Last Epoch.


Olde Wurm
You are correct Ying. If you are looking for a lag free gaming experience, DDO is not it. A different server is not going to fix that either. I have said in the past that DDO is a great game, but with the caveat that is does have its warts.


Well-known member
Premium servers are something that DDO is missing. It's ridiculous that all existing DDO servers run the same ruleset outside of the hardcore season. OP has the right idea with requiring a monthly sub, but not a fan of the account limit. The ruleset for a premium server needs to be different: All items can be sold on the ASAH, increased buddy XP bonus of 5% per person so it's something that actually promotes grouping, increased drop rate chance of named items, increased treasure loot bonus for mythic/reaper bonuses -- the list of possibilities is large.
Everytime someone gets a lag spike, even if it's there own ISP or hardware, people would cry foul.

What's more interesting is the cost. IF a lag free server was even possible, what would the cost for it be to the people on it, for it to have a chance to be anywhere near profitable.


Well-known member
one of us that is passionate about this game just needs to win one of those 5 billion dollar power ball jackpots and straighten things out. If I do, I will. :)


Well-known member
one of us that is passionate about this game just needs to win one of those 5 billion dollar power ball jackpots and straighten things out. If I do, I will. :)
I did put in a "creative idea" at my previous company to buy DDO sometime back - complete with a business case, ROI and such. They went and bought Blizzard instead :D


Was Amorais
I have a list as long as your arm I would do for DDO if I ever got lucky on the lottery. I tried listing it all and it got so long I gave up!