What's the correct order for the whole codex of infinite planes story?


Well-known member
Hi All,

Currently playing every quest in the game, I did 1-20 skipping everything that had an epic version....as som eone who's never really read the DDO quest text before I'm making the effort (which means mostly soloing things as nobody else there is going to wait while I read)....so what's the right order to do all the codex of infinite plains stuff?


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I have no clue. sorry.

Also, getting tired of the Codex being everywhere. Pretty soon it'll be retrofitted into Kobold Assault, I bet.


Well-known member
Technically speaking, the Codex is the source of the Mysterious Remnants that have turned random enemies into champions... so everything that has champs is tangentially a part of the story.

As for the actual story, it's a bit more complicated. I have a general idea, but I should go through and double check a few things before committing to an actual order.


Well-known member
I have no clue. sorry.

Also, getting tired of the Codex being everywhere. Pretty soon it'll be retrofitted into Kobold Assault, I bet.
It was quite weird that a single story plot took like 8 years to get through but hey that's how DDO works....any other game anbd it'd be the main plot of a single expansion and be released over the course of a couple of years in that expansion's major patches, but hey it's DDO, major DDO patches come a couple of times a year


Well-known member
My understanding is that the story should follow quest-level order. However, the codex was broken apart during Legendary Shroud, so that seems to be the inciting incident. The pages and remnants seem to have been sent back through time, so the whole thing is a bit muddled. If you want to do chronological order, my suggestion is to just do the quests where either a codex page or a planar eye is the McGuffin in quest level order


Well-known member
So, the "story" is one that plays out more over release dates rather than by quest level, and there are moments where the exact order of quests in the story is not as important.

unless I'm forgetting something, it actually starts with the Vale of Twilight and the Thirteenth Eclipse. It may seem unrelated at first, but it sets up some key players and the events of that arc directly precedes the initial shattering of the Codex into Mysterious Remnants. But first we continue with the Devils story line by heading to Amrath and the battlefields of Shavarath, culminating in the Tower of Despair raid (for more Arraetrikos plot).

Around update 24 we saw the introduction of Monster Champions, who sometimes drop Mysterious Remnants when killed. They're all over the place! What are these remnants and where did they come from? We got our first hint in the Temple of Elemental Evil, which was directly linked to these Remnants by the gatekeepers.

Next we're back to Amrath to aid some Archons in the Trials of the Archons chain, where we learn that Arraetrikos (from the shroud) after being freed by us (from Tower of Despair) is directly involved with the Codex of Infinite Planes. This is followed by the Devil's Gambit pack (grim and barett, multitude of menace, tavern brawl, subversion). This is followed by To Curse the Sky and Creeping Death, which then leads directly into The Codex and the Shroud (legendary shroud baby!).

Legendary Shroud is Arraetrikos performing a ritual to reassemble the codex to it's full potential, and we learn the Mysterious Remnants making monster champs are fragments of the broken codex granting a fragment of it's power to those who possess them. Of course, we stop the ritual and smash the book, causing pages of it to go flying across the planes! So now it's up to us to track them down and recover them... not to remake the book yet again, but to keep them out of reach of those who would use them for evil.

The first set of pages we find in the hands of the Slave Lords.

Then we find some in the Borderlands.

There are also some pages found in the Saltmarsh.

Then, while helping the Gatekeepers in the Cerulean hills with some missing initiates, we encounter the Hags Agnes, Beatrice, and Cadence, who are servants of Hyrsam of the Feywild. Following this, we head into the Feywild and discover that Hyrsam is making a deal with a mysterious stranger to collect and deliver the pages of the Codex to him, and he's using us to do it for him! Once we force Hyrsam into a new deal, we leave the Feywild and check back in with the Gatekeepers.

Foxpaw in the Dread Sea Scrolls then tries to destroy the pages we've collected rather than put them in a safe place. Shenanigans result. This leads into the Isle of Dread, and we learn that the mysterious person dealing with Hyrsam was non other than Vecna himself! We do stuff there.

Once we break free of his grip and bring the Isle back to Eberron, we help the gatekeepers bring the codex to Morgrave university via Kill Ten Rats, then we head into Vecna Unleashed, which is were the story currently rests.

TLDR: Vale chain - Heroic Shroud - Shavarath chain - Tower of Despair - ToEE - Trial of the Archons chain - Devil's Gambit chain - Creeping Death - To Curse the Sky - Legendary Shroud - Slave Lords chain - Borderlands chain - Saltmarsh chain - The Lost Gatekeepers - Feywild chain - Dread Sea Scrolls - Isle of Dread chain - Kill Ten Rats - Vecna Unleashed chain.

edit: if time is convoluted, then us beating on the book in L.Shroud would have been the experiment gone wrong that caused remnants and pages to go all over the place, even back in time, hence the pages in saltmarsh, the borderlands, slave lords, etc. which are often done at lower levels, and the monster champs all over the place with remnants. Still, the "initial timeline" I think is what I detailed above, though maybe you can move ToEE to after L.Shroud and long side salt/border/slave lords in that case. I also might be missing a few quests here and there.
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Well-known member
Thanks that's helpful. I'm unsure how much it matters in the actual in-game text but I am interested in actually reading it/playinmg it as intended.


Well-known member
And now I'm thinking of it in parts.

Prelude: Vale - Heroic Shroud - Shavarath - Tower of Despair
The Event: Trial of the Archons - Devil's Gambit - Creeping Death/To Curse the Sky - Legendary Shroud
Interlude: Boarderlands - Saltmarsh - Slave Lords - ToEE
The Mystery Deepens: The Lost Gatekeepers - Feywild - Dread Sea Scrolls - Isle of Dread
Climax/End?: Kill Ten Rats - Vecna Unleashed
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Active member
Annexe has had a stab at it previously on the old forums in 2021, pre-Vecna but clearly well into the plot line so far:

But honestly, chasing a firm answer to this one won't result in anything that matches release order or level order. It involves time - it doesn't have to make sense for either of those scenarios.

I blame chronoscope, frankly. You mess with time at your peril, that whole escapade at L5 probably cracked a hole right out of Eberron's reality, allowing Lolth to reach across the planes, amplyfing the effects of the Black Abbot's death, bringing the codex within Arretrakos' reach and so on, kicking off the whole shebang.

The driving forces of the story (i.e. the villains) experience that story in a completely different order to how your character does unless you wait to cap and do it all then, but I warn you even if you get all the answers to every question it's probably still a bit ouroboros because when the codex is shattered things echo backwards in time and cause investigations and such to happen.

You'll need a flow chart to map it.

I think you are "meant" to experience it from the outside - i.e. when a given bit of the story intersects with your character's current point on their linear time line.

So if left to your own devices, it happens to you in level order. But it happens in an order probably somewhere close to the one Vryxnr posted. It ends with Vecna - but the ripples of both that and whatever the true 'instigating event' that caused the codex to shatter in the first place go both forward and back through time and across infinite plans. This is why remnants and champions still exist for everyone too, and in fact at this point always have. I mean, that and the fact the devs aren't going to rip that whole system out just cos a plot line concluded.

It's not clear (I don't think) in the plot yet as to what caused the pages to fragment into remnants in the first place, which might tell us what plot line led to that for a true 'beginning'.

As I say, when in doubt, blame Chronoscope.

In terms of playing it 'as intended' you probably can't cos I very much doubt each step on the journey (including dialogue and notes etc) was written with the full story line in place. The 'intended' way to play it is to do it entirely out of sequence and piece it together because in linear terms Eberron experienced it out of sequence, I think.

What you want (what I want too, frankly) is to experience it in "protagonist order". Instigating incident through to ending - whereas experiencing it how you're 'meant' to (i.e. as the codex storyline intersects in your character's linear timeline, out of "order") , you just sort of feel like your role is as an observer of grander schemes.


Well-known member
And now I'm thinking of it in parts.

Prelude: Vale - Heroic Shroud - Shavarath - Tower of Despair
The Event: Trial of the Archons - Devil's Gambit - Creeping Death/To Curse the Sky - Legendary Shroud
Interlude: Boarderlands - Saltmarsh - Slave Lords - ToEE
The Mystery Deepens: The Lost Gatekeepers - Feywild - Dread Sea Scrolls - Isle of Dread
Climax/End?: Kill Ten Rats - Vecna Unleashed
Peril of the Planar Eyes and Grip of the Hidden Hand should be included in the plot.