What's the objectively best endgame build?


Well-known member
Yeah I know there's going to be a lot of disagreement on this but I am 2.5 lives with 2 ottos boxes in the bank away from racial/heroic/epic completionist so I sort of want to actually try DDO's endgame for a while and don't really want to use my brain much to do it.

So what's the best thing in the game right now? I've no reservations about any race/class/iconic etc and I don't care if I'm just using someone else's idea. The on;y thing I'm total;ly uninterested in is dedicated healing. Decide my fate DDO forums :)


Well-known member
There is no "best". It depends on what you expect from that build, one or the other may be better. The builds that have the highest dps are not usually the ones with the highest CC, for example, and vice versa. Best is different for a build that you expect to always be played in a group (in which case you can maximize it in one aspect, neglecting others), or that you expect to be played solo on respectable difficulties (in which case you need a more rounded build and self-sufficient).

Say what you expect from the build, and people will tell you good possibilities for that.


Well-known member
If you plan to stay at cap for a while dont choose "the best". FOTM builds will be nerfed sooner or later so you are better off going for something solid but flies mostly under the radar. I would suggest you tell us which style you want to play so we can give suggestions:



Well-known member
the one you enjoyed playing most along your journey
The problem I'm sort of having is that while I do really like DDO, I don't think I've played many builds that I fell in love with, I found a lot of them really wore on me later in the life so I've still never found anything I'm totally in love with, so I just want something that's good because I enjoy stomping easier content, that's cathartic.
There is no "best". It depends on what you expect from that build, one or the other may be better. The builds that have the highest dps are not usually the ones with the highest CC, for example, and vice versa. Best is different for a build that you expect to always be played in a group (in which case you can maximize it in one aspect, neglecting others), or that you expect to be played solo on respectable difficulties (in which case you need a more rounded build and self-sufficient).

Say what you expect from the build, and people will tell you good possibilities for that.
I understand there's no actual objective "best", but I would like some subjective opinions on what is please! I'm not expecting anything from the build apart from:
1. it's good
2. It's not intended as a pure healer
If you plan to stay at cap for a while dont choose "the best". FOTM builds will be nerfed sooner or later so you are better off going for something solid but flies mostly under the radar. I would suggest you tell us which style you want to play so we can give suggestions:

OK, that's fair

I prefer nuke in DDO but really enjoy being a reliable tank in other games, my experience od DDO tanking is 16 years out of date. I probably prefer melee but some of the most fun I've had in DDO is nuke casters. I had a good time with blightcaster druid recently but found the unreliable casting annoying.


Well-known member
If you like nuke and stomping easier content I would recommend ice druid or sorc. You will undoubtedly have fun with either class. Sorc has bigger numbers and more ranged CC, but the druid has more sustained damage output, and I'd say more area damage in the end game.

But I wouldn't say they are the best builds. Depending on what you want, a melee or ranged may be better. For raids, for example, casters are usually not the best choice. You are a completionist. Think about what you liked to play the most.


Well-known member
"Best" is a container word. What are your objectives?

ETA: Do you want to solo R10s? Group R10s? High skull raids?
That's what I asked him and he dismissed my question... the objective of the build matters. Builds that are very good for one thing may not be good for another.


Well-known member
That's what I asked him and he dismissed my question... the objective of the build matters. Builds that are very good for one thing may not be good for another.
Apologies, I don't mean to be dismissive, but I genuinely don't really know what DDO's endgame contains, the last time I was at endgame the level cap was 10. So I guess I'd just like something that's capable of joining raid pugs if those are even really a thing.


Well-known member
For Pug raids the biggest problem is they dont coordinate debuffs if I was building a dedicated Pug raider I would build a dedicated debuffer


Well-known member
Not to self plug but you might enjoy my bubble Paladin build since it really makes use of racial/epic completionist. It's very well rounded with defenses/single target/aoe/support so I think it's a good way to experience the endgame especially in pugs but also brings a lot of unique benefits to a well organized raid. It's rather gear heavy but I've had good response from others who have ran it. I'll be updating it sometime soon and can throw in a full completionist setup as well as updated stats. Might throw in a video to show the intended gameplay at some point. I will say that this is more raid focused than questing focused though.

Tronko's welf barbarian will be a great quest stomper since it has much more helpless damage as well as the built in defenses of barb's temporary hitpoints, dodge and damage reduction plus evasion from shadowdancer.

Plus, neither one of these builds are using bugs so they're very unlikely to be fixed/nerfed.
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Well-known member
Yeah I know there's going to be a lot of disagreement on this but I am 2.5 lives with 2 ottos boxes in the bank away from racial/heroic/epic completionist so I sort of want to actually try DDO's endgame for a while and don't really want to use my brain much to do it.

So what's the best thing in the game right now? I've no reservations about any race/class/iconic etc and I don't care if I'm just using someone else's idea. The on;y thing I'm total;ly uninterested in is dedicated healing. Decide my fate DDO forums :)
The best thing in the game right now is Razerclaw shifter fighter/fvs/warlock (18/1/1). The attack animation has no cap and it has insane single-target DPS. If you want to focus on raids and only raids, look no further.