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  1. P

    Drunken & Dragons

    I like to Tan a few cans of Birra Moretti
  2. P

    An expansion giveaway does not equal a discovery elixir

    On the one hand I'm not that arsed, on the other hand "loyal customers who already paid get a worse gift" makes my teeth itch.
  3. P

    Iconic Past Life(lives) importance.

    In my experience 15-30 is faster than 1-20 so I'd say I prefer it for class past lives. I'd have loved to be able to use them for racials and they count as their base race but alas, my racials are done. Other than that, I could do with doing aasimar scourge but iconics aren't that handy given...
  4. P

    When does Reaper become important (and other questions)?

    As others have said, play on the difficulty you find endjoyable, BUT most people play R1 when levelling as it's the most efficient XP. There is more XP in doing Reaper 1 slightly slower than Elite (if R1 is even slower for them, for many builds it isn't) Should I bother with trying reaper in my...
  5. P

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    I think some of the rewards being absolute trash is actually very funny. 10% chance to avoid item wear is an especially good one. 10% chance to avoid bringing yourself down from the plat cap. *chef kiss* It's not convinced me to resub anyhow.
  6. P

    SSG, Please Fix Your Lag-Broken Game

    I'd be inclined to say it's not a routing issue, but I'm in the UK, however the whole party which I assume as not exclusively in the UK had the same issue..
  7. P

    SSG: Scrap Epic Destinies and Reaper trees to reduce lag by 90%

    Return to 2008. you get FOUR enhancement slots. They made mobs give up chasing you sooner and I believe no longer return to their original spawns in those situations to basically dump their AI handling out of active cycles sooner.
  8. P

    VIP Perk Suggestions

    I don't think it's beyond the pale/overpowered for gold seal hirelings to match the summoner level. At the end of the day the best hireling you can get at your level is still really unreliable/spends its time staring off into space rather than doing what you've asked it to do and can't be relied...
  9. P

    SSG: Scrap Epic Destinies and Reaper trees to reduce lag by 90%

    I doubt there's an easy fix, and certainly I think "get rid of character variety" probabl isn't it, but it was horrific on Argo tonight.
  10. P

    Any high reaper DL builds yet?

  11. P

    Any high reaper DL builds yet?

    Looking at trying this now, don't suppose you have a list of featsd so I can make sure I'm not missing aught?
  12. P

    Warlock multiclass

    make sure your pact damage is on too, it'll be in your feats. I would expect it to basically do bugger all, it's just there to trigger arcane warrior as that gives 20MP and that's a lot of MP for 1 feat.
  13. P

    I want to TR my main into a dragonlord fighter, but dealing with my TR cache is so frustrating that I'm gonna play something else this weekend.

    gotta keep all those shards of power for the heroic greensteel items I'll never make though >:(
  14. P

    Dragon Lord - Flight of Kings Cooldown Lockout

    I raised this last week that lead the charge and flight of kings also do this....the thing is it's really inconsistent, they don't put each other on their own cooldowns. flight of kings puts it AND lead the charge on a 15s cooldown But Lead the charge puts itself on its correct 12s cooldown...
  15. P

    Tumbling was nerfed too hard

    That's not unreasonable but the fact is the DDO devs clearly thought player characters were moving too quickly both in and out of combat, honestly a simpler fix to the tumble mechanic might have just been to make the speed boost obtained from it smaller, making it not so considerably faster or...
  16. P

    Tumbling was nerfed too hard

    Happy to admit I'm wrong, maybe the devs should unrestrict tumble but make it make you move at half movement speed when used per the rulse then?
  17. P

    Tumbling was nerfed too hard

    Correct me ifmI'm wrong but I don't believe D&D 3.5 has an active tumble mechanic, it is basically Bonus AC if not flat footed and a skill used for skill checks, it's not dodging, it's a mechanical representation of the idea that your character might be able to roll out of the way of an attack...
  18. P

    2 Hour 100% Reaper XP pots for the Win?

    To be honest it's probably more sensible that it's "number of quest completions", though I have to question what SSG would consider the equivalent of say 3 hours of xp potion in number of quests? I suspect that would lead to a big argument. For the record, yeah I might actually pay for bonus...
  19. P

    Might In Order 3rd rank - 60 seconds not 120 seconds per tooltip

    I agree but it's been around for a very long time.
  20. P

    Might In Order 3rd rank - 60 seconds not 120 seconds per tooltip

    Yeah make sure you've re-added it to your action bar, it doesnm't replace the old copy if you have it.