1 server


Well-known member
Would the game be better at this point if we just went to one server?

One server would eliminate a MAJOR exploit that had been a game wrecker for years.

More people would have groups on lfms.

With regards to the SSG song and dance of "We have limited resources to do that", they had resources to nerf tons of builds. Why not do something that will make the game last longer and improve QOL?

To SSG. Is getting 26 bucks a transfer worth what most people really use it for?
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Savage's Husband
If I thought the game engine could support the entire player base on a single server I would support this.

I don't. I also don't think losing a metric boatload of characters (I have 26 slots per server, how many do I get on the single server?) And My guild, that I spent real money on upgrades for, and who gets priority on character/guild names and. . .

So I don't.

NOT signed.


aka Cybersquirt
Would be onBoard, except Wayfinder; -1 for transfers. I do not trust SSG understands this games code (as they effed weapon weighting, among other things - TUMBLE.) Do not trust SSG to ***** the whole game.


Well-known member
Hardcore has more people than Orien when its on. All that is needed is to increase the server capacity.
That's not how it works. When they announced a free transfer to Orien and Sarlona last year the players decided it would be a good idea to try make Orien a mega server. A lot of people transferred one or more characters to Orien. It didn't end well... And there are still a lot of things you can't transfer over to other servers.


Well-known member
Yes, of course, having one server is better. However, the question remains whether SSG can manage to implement it without causing more lag than what we currently experience on Orien.
Oh, and I would suggest a name reservation system for this new server for 50$ per name, maybe this alone would pay the costs for such an implementation.


Active member
Cross-server grouping rather than merging servers, but who knows if that's even remotely possible. And if it is, would lag be as much a thing as with one giant (giant being a relative term) server?

All pointless theorising really. I think we all know neither of these things are likely to happen.

At least, that's my cynical outlook.


Less Nerfy Nerfy more fixy fixy
but what about all the guilds that people have spent money on?

do you think the lawsuits that would happen from a forced server merge that would help keep this game a float?

Tell me you didnt think this idea through and are just throwing stuff at walls cause frustrated at the hammer of not grouping with out saying it.


Well-known member
This can never happen because SSG screwed themselves by charging money for things other games give players for free like guilds. It's been nothing but one long history of bad decision after bad decision by this company going right back to when they were Turbine. Truly some of the people in charge are some of the most unqualified hacks the gaming industry has ever seen. Sorry if it hurts their feelings, but it's true. And they never learn their lesson either.


Well-known member
That's only if it's an actual exploit. I've been on these forums long enough to know too many "Exploits" are just players who don't understand how game mechanics work.

That one is news to me.

Once you know if it is real it's too late. :)