An updated DDO Store arrives soon!


Well-known member
I tried the new store, I accidentally hit a key combination (alt tab, maybe?) that sent me back to the charachter selection screen, with my toon still logged but no way to get back. Has it happened to someone else?


Thelanis Player
Still hoping to hear if we can make steam wallet or not after the store update? (the new store webpage info doesn't mention steam at all)
If I remember correctly, Cordo said on a recent Friday Stream that the new store would not be adding in that functionality. (I believe it was on 7/21 as I did not watch 7/28) It was right after he was listing all the payment methods. Someone asked that on the stream.

His wording left me with the impression that they had no intention of adding that in. I would assume due to either technical issues or financial ones (i.e. I assume Steam takes a cut from anything purchased through their payment methods - much like every other similar setup).


Well-known member
I tried the new store, I accidentally hit a key combination (alt tab, maybe?) that sent me back to the charachter selection screen, with my toon still logged but no way to get back. Has it happened to someone else?
Yes happened to me. Hit right click on mouse I think and did the same. Locked up the game.🤢


Well-known member
Wow, this new DDO store is so clunky. Everything is too big that you can only see two items at a time and it is so slow. I do not see how this can benefit anyone :(


Well-known member
TBH, I bought a few things and it seems fast enough. I don't think it the old version was slow, anyway.
Everything too big: yes.


Well-known member
I'm sorry but this^ is NOT an improvement. You expect people to purchase your cosmetics virtually blind? Some cosmetics look better on different races, different genders and without a way to view the cosmetic properly on the character you are looking to dress... well... there are going to be LESS cosmetic sales. Cosmetics are all about the visual aesthetic and you are entirely removing the viewing portion prior to purchase. People prefer to make informed decisions, especially when it comes to money. You are further removing function from the DDO store in this aspect. Yes, I know it was ONLY functional in the 32bit client but now it will no longer be functional for either. That is a downgrade any way you slice it.


Hello, not sure if anyone else cares or not. Regarding the DDO store, when you are looking at augments, I am trying to find ones that are best for the particular level of my character. we cant see the minimum level of the augment without a couple of clicks. it would be helpful if hovering showed the description so it was much easier to know the minimum level. The same for the augment bags. a hover tooltip with a description. I am not sure if this is the bast place for input on this. let me know :) Thanks,


5000+ hours played
The store needs a way to obfuscate your account name. Streamers don't want to share that level of detail with the world.


Well-known member
Is there an option to hide your account name buried somewhere? Because when I open the store it's plainly visible in the upper left hand corner.
It was talked about but wasn't going to be in this update. I think it was mentioned as a future possibility.


New member
I do not approve or consider what was done an improvement. While some things are better, the display of only 2 items now on what are sometimes extensive lists makes a long scrolling process to get to what you want. The rather large graphics tell you nothing about the item and while it may look pretty it makes no sense. It used to show 5 or 6 items per screen, now only 2. Looking for a Red Augment? Be ready to spend time scrolling through a mess of them very slowly.
A Big thumbs down on "The Improvement".