Collars do not work on Druid wolf companions


Well-known member
I did not look at pet companion performance much before, but today I noticed that collars do not work.
I put fresh randomly generated collar (not crafted, no augments, just pure item from a chest) with acidic 2 on wolf companion from Druid.
There are no acid damage numbers on any attacked enemy.
There is only basic slash damage in combat log.

Whats the point of misleading collars that actually do not work?
What effects are currently confirmed to work on collars?
What effects are currently confirmed to work on pet armors?
What augments are currently confirmed to work on collars and pet armors?


Well-known member
Somewhat disappointed that though recent archetypes offered new iterations of the pet wolves, SSG deemed it not a priority to fix these embarrassing and apparently longstanding issues regarding pet collars and augments on pet gear.


Well-known member
I did some more tests today.
Conclusion is that on hit effects and augments (even passive and after pet restart) seem to not work, but some passive effects are fine (at least on character sheet).

Druid wolf stats at level 20 (no multiclassing) created and leveled somewhere in 2018 (even still have shortcuts to bluff and intimidate - not supported after update), but influenced by augment summoning (+4 all abilities, +50 fortification, increased hp) feat and enhancement trees (looks like +8 total extra to all abilities).
42 (+16) str, 42 (+16) dex, 42 (+16) con, 18 (+4) int, 27 (+8) wis, 22 (+6) cha
739 hp, 39 ac, 28 fortitude, 24 reflex, 14 will, 20 bab, 150 fortification, 4 cold resistance, 20 prr

Collar (combat log):
acid damage - not working (checked numbers with no acid resistance enemies in combat log and above their heads)
strength augment - not working (even after restarting pet)

Armor (character sheet):
leather/hide basic ac - OK! (including max dexterity bonus limitation)
constitution - OK! (including fortitude)
vitality - OK!
acid/sonic resistance - OK! (possibly absorption too, because element type animation shows up when equipping)
spell resistance - OK!
fortification - OK! (stacks)
enhancement + insight prr - OK! (stacks, every equipped leather/hide armor additionally increases prr by hidden +20)
strength augment - not working (even after restarting pet)
defense augment - not working (even after restarting pet)
resistance augment - not working (even after restarting pet)

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Well-known member
Don't hold your breath.
I am sure the developers are aware.
Also sure they don't want to spend the resources to fix it.


Well-known member
I decided to try out "customize orders" (turning off rage or forcing only trip attack to test critical/sneak/tactics bonus effects) and it seems like another broken thing to the list...
No matter what I turn off, all the checks show up again when I reopen it even after few seconds.
I turned off rage and tested in both cases, first with window open and second after closing it, but wolf keeps activating it all the time.
I also tried to turn off attacks (claw or bite with trip), but wolf keeps using them.