And we've said quite a few time s they should fix their lag inducing code rather than blaming the players and punishing them because they can't get their game to run correctly like other games do.
Yes, that'd be nice... but DDO is an old game and it would take a massive amount of rebuilding to get it up to the level of more modern technologies.
That isn't what I was talking about. I'm talking about the fact that their response to the 'monster pathing lag' problem is to spend time building a system to punish players in the hopes of forcing them to change their behavior... rather than spending equal (or less) time making changes to actually PREVENT the problem.
For example, blink dogs in DDO have the ability to teleport to the player. I've seen packs of them appear around me in mid-air after I've jumped off a cliff, so this isn't just them invisibly pathing. They teleport. To the player. The game HAS this logic.
We've been told that monster pathing becomes a problem when a lot of monsters are trying to path over long distances. Also, that this pathing only really becomes a lag problem around the red DA level. So... what would happen if, INSTEAD of the current DA system which punishes players but does not actually prevent the lag, they instead had all active/aggro'd monsters teleport to the player (blink dog style) at the DA orange level. Voila! Red DA alert NEVER HAPPENS. Lag AVOIDED rather than ALLOWED and perversely punished.
You're programmers. Change the GAME. Stop trying to change HUMANS through punishment.