Downtime Notice: Wednesday, November 15th 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT)


Community Manager
UPDATE: The game worlds have reopened.

The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Wednesday, November 15th from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) for weekly maintenance. Thank you for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!
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The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Wednesday, November 15th from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) for weekly maintenance. Thank you for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!
Any thoughts on adding a second weekly downtime?

Only asking because Orien has been a lagged out mess the last several weeks from Saturday thru the next Wednesday restart.

As it currently stands, Wednesday evening feels like the only day when lag is minimal. Thursday nights the group lag is already back. Friday's it's downright annoying and borderline quest killing. The last 4 days (and bulk) of the cycle week makes me want to build a time machine to go back in time to kill li'l baby Adolf.

It's been like this week in and week out over the last several months. From this end, the only viable method to address the lag with minimal investment would be a second weekly downtime.
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The Narc

Well-known member
Its not the maintenance, its the new mob ai, the more the mobs calculate how to solve the player intelligence to be able to do damage to players the more tax on the servers. There are actions i can do to make the game freeze for the mobs to try and figure out a solution and it can be used often to confuse the mobs to a stand still, the devs solution is to try and put you on stand still while the mobs figure it out.
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Its not the maintenance, its the new mob ai, the more the mobs calculate how to solve the player intelligence to be able to do damage to players the more tax on the servers. There are actions i can do to make the game freeze for the mobs to try and figure out a solution and it can be used often to confuse the move to a stand still, the devs solution is to try and put you on stand still while the mobs figure it out.
If that was truly the case, lag wouldn’t gradually get worse after a restart, it would be there in force from the onset.

What I’m talking about is the known issue with memory leaks in this game. If left unchecked, things get increasingly chunky…more lag.

I understand where you’re coming from though. It seems that everything that SSG has done over the last several months to improve game performance has done the exact opposite. That dungeon alert update was an absolute farce.


Well-known member
If that was truly the case, lag wouldn’t gradually get worse after a restart, it would be there in force from the onset.

What I’m talking about is the known issue with memory leaks in this game. If left unchecked, things get increasingly chunky…more lag.

I understand where you’re coming from though. It seems that everything that SSG has done over the last several months to improve game performance has done the exact opposite. That dungeon alert update was an absolute farce.

Please stop, players in different time zones already have a day when they cannot play once a week due to weekly maintenance.
Please stop, players in different time zones already have a day when they cannot play once a week due to weekly maintenance.
Respectfully, I will not stop.

I didnt suggest that it happen during the same time frame as the other. The way they have set now feels like its catered to only SSG’s wants and needs.

Quite honestly, I feel they should rotate downtimes so one particular timezone doesnt repeatedly get the shaft.


Well-known member
Respectfully, I will not stop.

I didnt suggest that it happen during the same time frame as the other. The way they have set now feels like its catered to only SSG’s wants and needs.

Quite honestly, I feel they should rotate downtimes so one particular timezone doesnt repeatedly get the shaft.
I think it's your motherboard.


Well-known member
Any thoughts on adding a second weekly downtime?
Or, any thoughts on resolving this issue. It has gone on too long for what should be a solvable problem. The weekly restarts should have been a temporary measure while the devs tracked down the resources not being released properly and either fixed or worked around the problem. More restart should not be the answer. SSG should be looking at a restart as an invitation to the players to go away. Not as a solution.

The Narc

Well-known member
Respectfully, I will not stop.

I didnt suggest that it happen during the same time frame as the other. The way they have set now feels like its catered to only SSG’s wants and needs.

Quite honestly, I feel they should rotate downtimes so one particular timezone doesnt repeatedly get the shaft.
Respectfully, i am quite happy with the status quo of having the standard downtime as it has been for many years and not having any changes to that, so we are all aware consistently of when it will be.

Also no thanks to a second maintenance.

DDO Gaming

Well-known member
UPDATE: The game worlds have reopened.

The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Wednesday, November 15th from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) for weekly maintenance. Thank you for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!
Would it be so bad if you guys also gave maybe 1 day's notice of the next promotion and freebie?

DDO Gaming

Well-known member
Any thoughts on adding a second weekly downtime?

Only asking because as it currently stands, Orien has been a lagged out mess the last several weeks from Saturday thru the next Wednesday restart.
I'm not sure I've particularly noticed but equally I've only been soloing and teamplay almost always delivers lag (SSG clearly decided the monsters need a chance too)


Well-known member
Please stop, players in different time zones already have a day when they cannot play once a week due to weekly maintenance.
If downtime happens, someone, somewhere in the world will get a chunk of their playtime eaten. Is what it is, but I'd rather have that than the laggy unplayable mess that was the last few days. Last 2 days in raid with 5+ seconds of start-stop and teleporting around made for plenty of soulstone moments and more frustration than a "hobby" or "game" should have


Mielikki says the Red Wizard is doing bad stuff
Need to put the code up on a private repo and crowd source the optimization and bug fixes. Legal should be able to craft a strong enough NDA. Probably have a couple programmers playing the game that would trade their time for less lag.


Well-known member
Part of the issue may be that these Wednesday downtimes seem to be serving as;
  • Updates
  • Maintenance
  • Restarts
These are three different things. If there are really memory leaks or other issues that get worse the longer the game is running then those could potentially be resolved with JUST a restart... which hopefully could be automated to the point that it takes substantially less than the ~90 minutes the servers were down just now.

Ideally, this could be made fast enough that they would be able to restart each server separately... at times convenient for the players on THAT server and only when THAT server needed it.

I'm not sure I see DDO getting to the point where servers just restart on their own in the middle of the night with a five minute long automated process, but it isn't completely impossible... even with two decade old foundations.