Communication is never easy, can be misinterpreted, and requires time (and pertinent info to communicate otherwise it's just wind).
Outage communications are soooo easy if you just follow some basic, self-evident rules.
1) Keep it short and simple - this is the key to communicating effecitvely without needing to sink large amounts of time into the effort. Provide just enough to show you have a solid grasp of the issue and are working on it.
2) Acknowledge and take responsibility for unplanned outages ASAP. Provide brief updates every few hours during extended outages.
3) Be honest and transparent. Lack of transparency creates a vacuum that customers' imaginations will fill in with things that are usually far worse than the reality.
4) Show some empathy towards your customers problems rather than ignoring them or worse, threatening them if they continue to complain. Literally, just try to show you care, even if you have to fake it.
5) This is the most important part - you actually have to communicate rather than doing nothing and leaving your customers completely in the dark because you can't be bothered to take 5 minutes to post an acknowledgement or update.
P.S. On a related note, give advance notice of significant changes to the game, especially nerfs. Stealth nerfs are exact opposite of communication and imply that you think your customers are too stupid to notice or worse, that you simply don't care what they think.